
Collection of humans news, found 996 news.

WWF Indonesia demands probe into elephant`s death in Aceh

Environment organization WWF Indonesia has urged the concerned authorities to investigate the death of an elephant ...

Mom`s stress during pregnancy can affect baby`s iron status : study

Newborns whose mothers are under stress during the first trimester of pregnancy may be at risk for low iron status, ...

Israel`s next-generation drones: smaller, smarter, deadlier

David Harari nostalgically recalls the day the Israel Air Force, stunned by the loss of fighter jets and aviators to ...

Be careful of bird flu outbreak in West Java

People in West Java must be very careful of bird flu outbreak after the sudden deaths of poultry in several regions of ...

Bird flu case in West Java not extraordinary incidence

The bird flu cases in West Java have yet to be classified into an extraordinary incidence, local Health Office Chief ...

One by One, Sumatran Tigers Fall Into Illegal Traps

Over the past two months, at least two Sumatran tigers (Pantera Tigris Sumatrae) have fallen into illegal traps ...

Orangutans Free At Last

In the Indonesian or Malay language, the word "orangutan" literally means "man of the forest", and this is not so ...

Memory Formation Triggered by Stem Cell Development

-     Researchers at the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics have discovered an answer to ...

Study: Daily diet soda may increase risk of heart attack, stroke

Diet soda may benefit the waistline, but people who drink it everyday may have a heightened risk of heart attack and ...

Orangutan hunting still continuing in E Kalimantan

The Center for Orangutan Protection (COP) said orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus moria) continue to be targeted by hunters in ...

Tangerang youth dies of H1N1, not H5N1

Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih said that R (18), a Tangerang youth who initially reportedly died of bird ...

Man-eating crocodiles menace Indragiri Hilir residents

Man-eating crocodiles that often attack humans in residential areas have become a threat causing people in Indgragiri ...

over 3,000 ai-infected chickens in C Sulawesi culled

Some 3,254 chickens were culled in 2011 in Central Sulawesi after they proved to have been infected with Avian ...

Tiger population in Bengkulu drops

The population of Sumatran tigers (Pantera Tigris Sumatrae) in Bengkulu Province has dropped due to poaching, a local ...

Government handling alleged bird flu in Jakarta

The government is handling and anticipating the alleged incidence of bird flu in North Jakarta and several other ...