
Collection of illegally news, found 714 news.

Australia destroys Indonesian ship over illegal fishing

Australian authorities in Darwin have destroyed an Indonesian fishing vessel caught for fishing illegally in the ...

Poaching of sumatran tiger remains rampant

The poaching of Sumatran tigers (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) on the island of Sumatra for trading remains rampant, ...

Military chief has clarified on firearms procurement issue: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has confirmed that General Gatot Nurmantyo tendered an explanation on the issue of ...

Purchase of weapons by BIN lawful: House

The purchase of arms by the State Intelligence (BIN) is lawful and based on rules as it had used money from the state ...

TNI ready to send peacekeeping forces to Myanmar: Chief

The Chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), General Gatot Nurmantyo, said here, Friday, that Indonesia was ready ...

Indonesian Army ready to send troops to Rakhine

The headquarters of the Indonesian Army (TNI AD) has expressed readiness to send its troops to Rakhine, Myanmar, in an ...

DPR, Indonesian ambassador to China discuss Chinese illegal workers

House of Representatives (DPR) Commission IX met Indonesian ambassador to China, Soegeng Rahardjo, to discuss relation ...

Malaysian citizen gets death sentence for smuggling narcotic drugs

The district court of Putussibau, West Kalimantan, has sentenced Malaysian citizen Chong Chee Kom (42) to death for ...

Indonesia, US cooperate to combat illegal fishing

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Indonesian Society and Fisheries Foundation ...

Moratorium in tin mining license in Bangka Belitung

Bangka Belitung Governor Erzaldi Rosman Djohan announced his decision on moratorium in tin mining license to improve ...

Indonesian nation must not hesitate to guard sovereignty: President

The Indonesian nation must not hesitate to protect its sovereignty against various threats, President Joko Widodo ...

All parties should eliminate illegal fishing activities: President

President Joko Widodo has urged all parties to eliminate illegal fishing activities from Indonesian waters in an ...

Indonesia fights cyber-fraud syndicate from China

It seems that a cyber-fraud syndicate from China had found Indonesia as a heaven for their illegal operation and ...

Indonesia arrests four foreign fishing vessels

The Maritime and Fisheries Affairs Ministry has arrested four foreign fishing vessels, consisting of two ...

Susi: No instruction to auction confiscated fishing vessels

Marine and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti said there is no instruction from President Joko Widodo to sell at ...