
Collection of impor news, found 63 news.

Locally produced health equipment available, no need for imports: govt

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has assured of the availability of domestically produced patient beds and ruled out ...

Beware of likely food price hike in 2022: researcher

A researcher cautioned the government to be cognizant of a likely food price hike in 2022, as uncertainty looms large ...

National Press Day: President thanks press for role during pandemic

The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, expressed gratitude to the press for helping the government in ...

Ministry to cut automotive imports by us$700 million

Indonesia`s Industry Ministry has targeted to cut automotive imports by some US$700 million in 2018, from the average ...

Frozen meats from india to enter North Sulawesi`s market

North Sulawesi`s State Logistic Office has urged the authority in Jakarta to supply frozen meats imported from India ...

Agriculture Minister targets zero import of garlic by 2021

The Agriculture Minister, Amran Sulaiman, is determined to achieve self-reliance in garlic production by 2021. The ...

South Sumatra's imports up 325.4 percent in March

Imports of South Sumatra in March, 2018 shot up 325.4 percent in value to US$133.04 million in comparison with its ...

Harga minyak turun dipicu ketegangan perdagangan Tiongkok dan AS

Harga minyak turun pada akhir perdagangan Rabu (Kamis pagi WIB), karena ketegangan perdagangan antara Tiongkok dan ...

AS rilis daftar produk China objek tarif 25 persen

Kadin Amerika Serikat (USTR), Selasa waktu setempat, menerbitkan daftar produk China yang dikenai bea masuk tambahan ...

Laporan: Perang dagang akan bahayakan bisnis Amerika Serikat

Karena kepentingan bisnis AS di Tiongkok jauh lebih besar daripada apa yang ditunjukkan oleh data perdagangan, perang ...

Pertemuan menteri keuangan G20 dibuka di Buenos Aires

Pertemuan pertama para menteri keuangan dan gubernur bank sentral G20 dimulai pada Senin (19/3) di Buenos Aires, ...

EIA: AS jadi eksportir netto gas alam pada 2017

Badan Informasi Energi AS (EIA) mengatakan pada Senin (19/3) bahwa Amerika Serikat telah mengekspor lebih banyak gas ...

Sebelas negara tanda tangani kesepakatan perdagangan Trans-Pasifik

Sebelas negara diharapkan menandatangani sebuah perjanjian perdagangan Asia-Pasifik di Santiago, Chile pada Kamis, ...

Indeks Wall Street ditutup beragam

Indeks saham-saham di Wall Street ditutup beragam pada akhir perdagangan Jumat (Sabtu pagi WIB), di tengah serangkaian ...

Indonesia's govt not planning to import food staples

Indonesias government has no plans to import food staples to meet domestic demands ahead of Ramadhan and the upcoming ...