#import goods

Collection of import goods news, found 24 news.

Companies granted faster customs service

The government granted 24 large investing companies the facility of faster customs service without physical ...

Indonesia trying to diversify its export markets

Indonesia is intensifying efforts to expand its export markets, including non-traditional markets, through various ...

Indonesia should protect its agriculture sector

With some 60-70 percent of its 240 million population hailing from the farming community, Indonesia needs to protect ...

Power rate hikes to weaken competitiveness in AEC

The basic electricity tariff hike may increase production costs, particularly of domestic textile products by about 15 ...

Indonesia cuts balance of payments deficit

Bank Indonesia said the country succeeded in cutting its balance of payment deficit to US$2.5 billion in the second ...

Nine Indonesian commodities ready to enter free ASEAN market

Industry Minister MS Hidayat said nine Indonesian commodities are ready to enter and compete in free ASEAN market in ...

Production cost to increase by 20 to 25%

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) said businesses had calculated their production cost which ...

Importers may have only one number of API

Deputy Trade Minister Bayu Krisnamurthi said that the government`s new regulations prohibited importers from having ...

Q1 decisive for 2011 inflation rate

The inflation rate in 2011 can be kept at a low level if in the February-April 2011 period it is relatively low, a ...