#indonesia and eu

Collection of indonesia and eu news, found 46 news.

Hope Malaysia will join fight against oil palm discrimination: Widodo

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said he is hoping for a commitment from the Malaysian government on ...

Indonesia needs to build global support for palm oil: ministry

Indonesia needs to build support in the global market to tackle the negative sentiment in the European Union for its ...

Palm oil sector needs strategy to tackle pandemic challenge: Gapki

The palm oil industry needs to formulate a new strategy in order to face the challenges to business created by the ...

Indonesia urges EU to accord fair treatment to palm oil

Arguing against the phasing out of palm oil, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi urged the European Union (EU) to give fair ...

Law Minister discusses Schengen visa issue for Indonesians

Indonesia's Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly has discussed the progress on the Schengen visa-free ...

Indonesia takes biodiesel issue to WTO

Indonesia has sent a letter to the World Trade Organization (WTO) to challenge the European Union decision to impose ...

EU sends congratulatory cable to Jokowi on re-election

The European Union (EU) has sent a congratulatory cable to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on being re-elected as ...

Indonesia initiates CPO dialogue at European Parliament office

The Indonesian Embassy in Brussels has organised a dialogue on the palm oil issue at the European Parliament office ...

Indonesia is attractive investment destination for European companies

Indonesia is an attractive investment destination for European companies, according to the Investment Coordinating ...

Indonesia asks EU not to discriminate against palm oil

The Indonesian government has asked the European Union to not discriminate against palm oil vis-?-vis other vegetable ...

Indonesia takes initiative to respond to EU stand on palm oil

Indonesia has coordinated a joint action by palm oil producing countries in Southeast Asia, Central America, South ...

President Jokowi expects trade with Spain to increase

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has expressed the hope that trade relations between Indonesia and Spain will increase ...

Indonesia questions EU policy on palm oil export

The Indonesian delegation has questioned European Union (EU) policy that impedes export of Indonesian products, ...

Indonesia lodges note of protest against EU`s high duty on biodiesel

Indonesian Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita has lodged a note of protest to the World Trade Organization (WTO) ...

Bali Democracy Forum calls for synergy of religions, tolerance and democracy

The Bali Democracy Forum, attended by over 200 delegates from 96 countries and five international organizations, has ...