#indonesian coffee

Collection of indonesian coffee news, found 108 news.

Indonesia to promote cruise, yacht destinations in Korea

The Ministry of Tourism will promote Indonesian tourism destinations, especially for cruising and yachting, at the ...

Indonesia secures US$18 million coffee transactions at US Expo

Indonesia has been able to secure US$18 million worth of transactions from coffee products it displayed at the ...

Indonesia targets to boost global coffee consumption

The major coffee exporting countries, such as Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, and Indonesia are targeting to boost global ...

Indonesia expects coffee exports to reach US$1.4 billion

Indonesia expects its coffee exports to increase to US$1.4 billion until the end of this year although exports were ...

Most of Indonesia`s coffee exports go to U.S.

Most of Indonesia`s coffee exports have gone to the US which is one of the countries that has high coffee consumption ...

Indonesian coffee producers participate in London coffee festival

Some Indonesian coffee producers have participated in London Coffee Festival (LCF) held at The Old Truman Brewery, ...

RI can become biggest coffee producer: Minister

Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan said Indonesia can become the biggest coffee producer in Southeast Asia because it has ...

Indonesian coffee bean exports fall sharply

Indonesia`s coffee bean exports fell sharply to 64.612 million kg in the first quarter of 2012, down from 146.143 ...

Exporters: Indonesia`s coffee exports continue to fall

Indonesia`s coffee exports continued to fall over the past few years due to declining production and higher price in ...

RI`s 2012 coffee exports not to exceed 400,000 tons

Indonesia`s coffee exports this year are estimated not to exceed 400,000 tons or not much different from last year`s ...

Bandung to host "Road to Indonesia Coffee Festival"

Bandung, West Java`s provincial capital, will host a Road to Indonesia Coffee Festival on December 23, 2011, as a ...

RI`s coffee production projected to drop

Indonesia`s coffee production next year is projected to be lower than this year at only around 600,000 tons due to the ...

RI`s 2011 coffee production estimated at 699,000 tons

The Indonesian Coffee Industry and Exporters Association (AEKI) has predicted the country`s coffee production this ...

RI coffee growers to expand plantations

As their production has been showing a downward trend over the past two years, coffee growers in Indonesia, the ...

Coffee exports predicted to drop this year

The Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters and Industries (AEKI) has predicted the country`s coffee exports in ...