#indonesian democratic party of struggle

Collection of indonesian democratic party of struggle news, found 650 news.

PPP decides to support Prabowo

The national leadership meeting of the United Development Party (PPP) has finally decided to support the presidential ...

PPP yet to achieve consensus on coalition

The United Development Party (PPP) has not yet reached a consensus on coalition with other political parties on the ...

Jokowi to take temporary leave to focus on presidential bid

Joko Widodo, or popularly known as Jokowi, plans to soon take a temporary leave from the post of Jakarta Governor to ...

Kalla still awaiting news of Jokowi`s running mate

Former Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla confessed to still awaiting news from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle ...

Kalla perfect running mate for Jokowi: Analyst

Former vice president M. Jusuf Kalla is the perfect vice presidential candidate for Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who is ...

Jokowi`s running mate to be surprise

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), which is the likely winner of the legislative elections on April ...

PDIP office in Surabaya asks for vote recount

Board of Directors of the Surabaya Branch of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (DPC PDI-P) asks for vote ...

PAN against blocks of nationalist and religion-based parties

Chairman of National Election Committee of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Joncik Muhammad expressed concern with ...

Dahlan to dedicate himself to developing generators in rural areas

State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan is prepared to dedicate himself to developing power stations in areas that ...

Observer raises suspicion over Jokowi-Blake meeting

A political observer accused US Ambassador Robert O Blake of seeking to implant US influence on Indonesian ...

PDIP tops election at Indonesian Embassy in Singapore

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) was ranked first in the legislative election held at the Indonesian ...

Islamic-based parties can form coalition

The Islamic-based political parties have the potential to form a coalition to nominate presidential and vice ...

Parties opt to pragmatism in coalition: observer

A political observer has predicted that political parties will base their considerations on pragmatism and realistic ...

Jokowi`s running mate likely Kalla or Akbar: Freedom

The Freedom Foundation has predicted that PDIP will likely pick up Golkar figure Jusuf Kalla or Akbar Tanjung as the ...

Jokowi meets with Nasdem leader

The presidential candidate from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Joko Widodo, better known as ...