#indonesian democratic party of struggle

Collection of indonesian democratic party of struggle news, found 650 news.

PD`s vote gain drop reflects people`s dissatisfaction: Anas

The decline in the vote gain of the ruling Democratic Party (PD) in April 9 legislative elections reflects peoples ...

Presidential candidate Jokowi not dictated to: PDIP

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Chairman Effendi Simbolon confirmed that the party does not dictate to ...

Democrat Party told to abandon its presidential convention

Vice chief of the Democrat Partys supreme council Marzuki Alie had called for the cancellation of the ruling partys ...

Market`s negative reaction only temporary: economist

Strong negative reaction of the market on Thursday to Wednesdays result of legislative election would not last long, ...

Indonesian major parties need coalition government

Electoral contestants in Wednesdays (April 9) legislative elections will need a coalition to form a government as, ...

PDIP not all out to exploit Jokowi effect in election: Observers

The opposition Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) had failed to fully exploit the electability of its ...

CSIS' quick count shows Democrat gains 9.1 percent

The preliminary result of quick vote count by two pollsters, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and ...

Golkar to thinly win over PDI-P: secretary general

Secretary General of the Golkar Party Idrus Marham stated that his party will thinly win over the Indonesian ...

PDIP leads exit poll

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) led the exit poll in the legislative election with 19.26 percent of ...

PDIP leads preliminary result of lsi`s quick count

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) led the preliminary result of a quick vote count by the ...

Prabowo optimistic his party to win majority votes

Chief Patron and Presidential Candidate of the Great Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Prabowo Subianto expressed optimism ...

Prabowo optimistic his party to win majority votes

Chief Patron and Presidential Candidate of the Great Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Prabowo Subianto expressed optimism ...

Golkar commit largest number of money politics

Golkar party committed the largest number of money politics during the political campaigns ahead of the legislative ...

PKS expresses optimism to be in big three

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) expressed its optimism that it would become one of the big three political parties ...

Jokowi pledges to deal with Papua problems with "heart"

Presidential candidate of the opposition Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Joko Widodo said he would deal ...