#indonesian health ministry

Collection of indonesian health ministry news, found 350 news.

Ministry activates surveillance to prevent monkeypox spread

The Indonesian Health Ministry has activated a surveillance system at all entry points to the Indonesian territory to ...

G20 Indonesia

Vaccination certification recognition discussed at G20 Sherpa

Mutual recognition of vaccination certificates and health protocols to facilitate people’s mobility across ...

Domestic travelers required to get booster shots: COVID-19 task force

Domestic travelers using all means of transportation are demanded to have received booster shots following an increase ...

Ministry tests QR code for international vaccination validation

The Indonesian Health Ministry is conducting a trial implementation of a single quick response code (QR code) that ...

Health Ministry readies health facilities for XI ASEAN Para Games

The Health Ministry affirmed that health facilities will be readied to cater to athletes competing in the XI ASEAN Para ...

G20 Indonesia

Ministry encourages G20 member countries to form global health system

The Indonesian Health Ministry encourages G20 member countries to boost synergy in building and forming a global health ...

G20 Indonesia

Strengthening global health architecture through G20 forum

Indonesia has chosen global health architecture as one of its key priority issues during this year’s G20 ...

G20 Indonesia

GISAID+ to improve the country's response to pandemic: Ministry

The Indonesian Health Ministry's Secretary-General Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha emphasized the importance of ...

Indonesia will take over six months to confirm pandemic's end

It would take more than six months to monitor the situation and confirm that the COVID-19 pandemic is over in ...

Ministry awaits WHO study on acute hepatitis in children

The Indonesian Health Ministry has said that it is still waiting for further studies from the World Health Organization ...

Ministry, WHO agree on grant to support health transformation

The Indonesian Health Ministry's Secretary General Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha and World Health Organization (WHO) ...

AHMM highlights pandemic-triggered mental disorder medication gap

The 15th ASEAN Health Ministers Meeting (AHMM) highlighted a gap in the medication for mental disorder patients that ...

Indonesia urges ASEAN nations to address health emergency

Indonesia has urged all ASEAN countries to prepare to cope with the public health emergency situation. "We must ...

Minister highlights progress achieved in acute hepatitis investigation

The investigation of suspected cases of mysterious hepatitis continued to show good development in terms of the ...

162,204,973 Indonesians fully vaccinated against COVID-19

The Indonesian Health Ministry has reported that 162,204,973 Indonesians have received the full dose of the COVID-19 ...