#indonesian journalists

Collection of indonesian journalists news, found 159 news.

Indonesian journalists celebrate World Press Day in Lampung

Tens of media workers in Bandarlampung, the capital city of Lampung Province, staged a peaceful rally at the city's ...

Abandon combative lens to help Korean peace: Indonesian journalist

The reunification of South Korea and North Korea is the constitutional task of the two countries that deserves support ...

Public Works and Housing Ministry receives SIWO PWI's golden award

Minister of Public Works and Housing Basuki Hadimuljono has received two golden awards of the Indonesian Journalists ...

Jokowi remains media darling

Joko Widodo (Jokowi), a furniture businessman who turned into a politician, has become a media darling since he rose ...

President Jokowi awarded Press Freedom medal

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received a Press Freedom medal from Chairman of the Press Council (Dewan Pers) Yosep ...

Indonesia`s media industry will "never die"

Indonesia`s media industry would "never die" in this digital era as long as journalists and employees remain ...

20 ambassadors attend National Press Day`s commemoration in Surabaya

Twenty ambassadors of friendly countries have confirmed their presence at the peak of the National Press Day`s ...

Enjoying Muslim tour in Xi`an

When traveling to China, do not forget to put a Muslim tourist site in Xi`an City, Shaanxi Province, in your list of ...

Media plays important role in building democracy : president

President Joko Widodo in his remarks at the opening of the XXIV Congress of the Indonesian Journalists Association ...

Azan should be heard only up to 500 meters in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan has a rule that the call to prayer (azan) should not be heard beyond a radius of 500 metres, Azerbaijan`s ...

Indonesia always backs Azerbaijan on Nagorno-Karabakh

Indonesia always gives political support to Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh territory, which is disputed with ...

Indonesia`s press freedom fairly free

Indonesia`s press freedom index in 2017, in a cumulative, illustrates that 30 provinces in the country experience a ...

Saudi Arabia to serve pilgrims with luxury trains

Hajj and umroh pilgrims from all over the world, including those from Indonesia, will enjoy trips from Jidda to Mecca ...

Saudi hopes Indonesia participates in humanity mission in Yemen

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hopes Indonesia to take part in addressing humanitarian issues in Yemen, a Saudi ...

Press plays increasingly important role in digital era

President Joko Widodo highlighted the increasing significance of the press amid the advancements in digital technology ...