#indonesian military

Collection of indonesian military news, found 1.570 news.

TNI foils rattan smuggling to Malaysia

The Indonesian military has foiled the attempt to smuggle 20 tons of rattan from Badau subdistrict in West Kalimantan ...

Forest fires decline significantly: President

President Joko Widodo has said land and forest fires have declined significantly this year compared with previous ...

100 marine corps personnel deployed to help earhquake victims

The Indonesian military has sent 100 personnel of its Marine Corps to help victims of the 7 magnitude earthquake in ...

News Focus - Jokowi gains support from across Indonesia

Incumbent President Joko Widodo has gained support for his reelection in next year`s presidential race not merely from ...

Jokowi, Kalla continue to communicate on presidential election-related issues

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla said he had continued to maintain sound communication with President Joko ...

Indonesia awaiting US lifting sanction on buying Russian Shukoi aircraft

The Indonesian Government is awaiting the United States lifting the embargo sanction on the Indonesian plan to buy ...

Indonesian military sends 80 medical workers to quake-hit Lombok

The National Defense Forces (TNI) on Monday sent 80 medical workers to help the victims of the 6.4-magnitude ...

Indonesia keen to work with China in maintaining maritime stability

The Indonesian authority is keen to work with China to maintain regional maritime security and stability, in ...

widodo`s running mate announced in early august: hanura leader

Incumbent Indonesian President Joko Widodo would announce his running mate for next year`s presidential election in ...

Indonesia to boost military products` procurement process for Brunei

The Government of Indonesia is committed to boost military products` procurement process for Brunei, according to the ...

Soekarno-Hatta airport to provide special counters for Asian Games contingents

The Soekarno-Hatta International Airport will provide special immigration counters for the Asian Games 2018 ...

Police to guard post-pilkada process

Indonesia`s police continue to guard the regional head elections process following the polling day on June 27, ...

Regional head elections went smoothly

The regional head elections in several provinces and districts in Indonesia went smoothly on Wednesday. "The ...

Neutrality of Indonesian military and police is absolute: president

President Joko Widodo affirmed that the neutrality of the Indonesian National Military (TNI) and Indonesian National ...

Don`t joke about bomb in baggage, fliers warned

As the holiday rush began, PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) as the manager of Soekarno-Hatta Airport appealed to ...