#indonesian military

Collection of indonesian military news, found 1.570 news.

Police urged to be more professional

Vice Chairman of The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Laode M Syarif expected that the National Police would be ...

Military support to Marawi not yet regulated by law: House

The government's plan to deploy troops in the besieged city of Marawi, South Philippines, has no legal basis, Deputy ...

TNI, people should maintain unity: commander

The Indonesian Military (TNI) and the people of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) should maintain ...

Indonesian military has not yet planned to deploy soldiers in Marawi

The Indonesian Military has yet to plan the deployment of its soldiers in the besieged city of Marawi in the ...

TNI chief lauds Philippines` military attempts to muffle ISIS in Marawi

Indonesian Military (TNI) commander General Gatot Nurmantyo lauded the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for their ...

Densus 88 finds evidence against terrorist suspect Agus Tri Mulyono

Polices anti terror squad Densus 88 found evidence against terrorist suspect Agus Tri Mulyono (ATM), who was arrested ...

Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines sign inscription of maritime command center

The respective commanders of the armed forces of Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines signed an inscription for ...

Sukhoi jet fighters ready to intercept ISIS infiltrators

Three Sukhoi jet fighters of the Indonesian Air Force are parked in Tarakan, North Kalimantan ready to help prevent ...

TNI, community intensify border security to prevent entry of ISIS

The Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) and community have intensified border security to prevent the entry of ...

Five countries' defense ministers to discuss ISIS issue

The defense ministers from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, and the Philippines will meet on June 19 ...

Indonesian military to play bigger role in counterterrorism

Terrorism is an extraordinary crime that could threaten Indonesias sovereignty, therefore the fight against it needs ...

Military deploys spy planes on Indonesia-Philippines border

Indonesian Air Force has deployed its spy planes and troops to secure and anticipate militant groups entering through ...

14 Filipinos stranded in Kalimantan

Around 14 Philippines citizens, comprising of nine men and five women were stranded and found in the Bunyu Island in ...

Military involvement in fight against terrorism is final

Discussions of a special team on revising Law No 15 of 2003 concluded that the involvement of the Indonesian Armed ...

TNI announces 3 suspects in aw 101 helicopters corruption case

The Indonesian Military Commander General Gatot Nurmantyo has announced three suspects related to corruption on ...