#indonesian police

Collection of indonesian police news, found 1.537 news.

House receives Presidential Letter on amendment to KPK law

House of Representatives Speaker Bambang Soesatyo confirmed the parliament received the Presidential Letter assigning ...

News Focus

Ensuring no more exodus of native Papuan students

Law and order have been restored by the Indonesian police in Jayapura, Papua, and Manokwari, West Papua Province after ...

Police foil smuggling attempt of larvae of lobsters

The Bali provincial police thwarted an attempt to smuggle some 60,000 larvae of pearl and sand lobsters to Vietnam, and ...

Biak residents issue peace declaration, rejecting separatism

Various members of the public constituting the masses and religious figures in Biak Numfor District, Papua Province, ...

Wiranto discloses conspiracy involving separatist leader Benny Wenda

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Wiranto has accused West Papuan separatist leader Benny ...

Unidentified group kills five gold miners in Yahukimo

Indonesian Police’s spokesman Brig. Gen Dedi Prasetyo confirmed at least five gold miners were at the receiving ...

Anarchic group in Papua linked to international organizations: Police

National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian has acknowledged that the groups committed anarchy in Papua and West ...

Jokowi to hold meeting with Papua's eminent figures: Moeldoko

Presidential Staff Chief retired general Moeldoko confirmed President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will shortly meet ...

Internet access restricted in Papua to curb fake news: Tito

Indonesian Police Chief, General Tito Karnavian, defended the Communication and Informatics Ministry's policy to ...

Police, military still controlling security in Papua

The National Police and the Indonesian Military are still trying to control the security situation in Papua after ...

Second Sergeant Rikson farewelled with full military honors on Friday

The coffin of fallen Indonesian soldier of the Sriwijaya Regional Military Command, who died while securing a massive ...

Indonesian Police stations 300 personnel in Papua

The Indonesian Police deployed 300 Mobile Brigade Unit (Brimob) personnel to Deiyai, Paniai, and Jayapura following the ...

Police Chief confirms no troops yet withdrawn from Nduga

Indonesian Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian affirmed that the authority will consider withdrawing security personnel ...

Arrested terror suspects linked to Surabaya bombing: police

The terror suspects arrested by Densus 88, the police anti-terror squad, from some areas in East Java have close links ...

DFAT should remind Australians to obey Indonesian laws: Bali police

Bali’s police urged Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) officials to remind their ...