#indonesian police

Collection of indonesian police news, found 1.537 news.

Police name 13 suspects in mini market looting in Penjaringan

North Jakarta Police have named 13 suspects in a looting of a mini market located in Kedung Panjang, Penjaringan, ...

One day after demonstration, life around Monas back to normal

Regular activities around the National Monument (Monas) Square in Central Jakarta have returned to normal after the ...

Police not allowed to use firearms to disperse protesters

National Police spokesperson Inspector General Boy Rafli Amar said that the police officers were not allowed to use ...

Indonesian Police question 25 people over riot during rally

The Indonesian Police have arrested and are questioning 25 people suspected to be provocateurs and looters in ...

Ahok`s case to be determined in two weeks

The legal status of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), in connection with a blasphemous remark he had ...

President Jokowi To Receive 25 Representatives of Rally: Police

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Jusuf Kalla will receive 25 representatives of demonstrators ...

Muslim crowds flock Istiqlal Grand Mosque for massive peaceful rally

Thousands of individuals as well as members of Muslim organizations have flocked to Istiqlal Grand Mosque and the ...

madura ulemas write to president over ahok`s alleged blasphemy case - (d)

Leaders of Islamic boarding schools have written to President Joko Widodo, urging that the due process of law should ...

SAR team has difficulties rescuing illegal gold miners buried in pit

Emergency teams have found it difficult to rescue 11 illegal gold miners buried in a 50-meter deep pit at Sei Macang ...

Indonesia, Qatar improves cooperation on defense

Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu has invited his Qatari counterpart Khalid Bin Mohammed Al Attiyah to ...

Police detain suspects in illegal hajj pilgrimage

Police have detained seven of nine Indonesian suspects accused of attending the Hajj, while being illegally counted ...

Indonesian, Sri Lankan police chiefs discuss human smuggling issue - (d)

Indonesian Police Chief General Tito Karnavian met with his Sri Lankan counterpart, Inspector General of Police Pujith ...

Bali gears up for Interpol General Assembly

Indonesian Police Chief General Tito Karnavian has reviewed preparations for the 85th General Assembly of ...

Police to disclose syndicate behind hajj pilgrims fake passport case

The Police will soon make disclosures about a syndicate that was found involved in the case in which Indonesian Hajj ...

Police question illegal hajj pilgrimage suspect in Philippines

The National Police is questioning an individual, with the initials HR, who is suspected to have organized an illegal ...