#indramayu west java

Collection of indramayu west java news, found 59 news.

Police should thoroughly probe Pertamina refinery fire: DPR Speaker

House of Representatives (DPR RI) Speaker Puan Maharani pressed for conducting a thorough police investigation into the ...

Pertamina should promptly audit security system in oil refineries: DPR

House of Representatives (DPR) Speaker Puan Maharani has called on state-owned oil and gas corporation PT Pertamina ...

Balongan refinery fire caused by lightning strike: Pertamina

An external investigation into a massive fire that broke out at the Balongan oil refinery, Indramayu, West Java, on ...

Balongan refinery fire inflicts 400,000 barrels oil loss for Pertamina

Some 400 thousand barrels of oil of Indonesia's state-owned oil company PT Pertamina (Persero) were lost following ...

Huge fire at Pertamina's refinery injures locals, triggers evacuations

A massive fire broke out at state-run oil firm PT Pertamina's Balongan refinery in Indramayu, West Java, on early ...

West Java: Floods hit 18 sub-districts in Indramayu district

Floods triggered by heavy rains on Sunday swamped 18 sub-districts in Indrayu district, West Java, after many rivers ...

Viking Sun's 375 passengers leave Bali before sailing to Colombo

Some 375 of the 738 passengers of Viking Sun, anchored at the Benoa Seaport in Denpasar since early Monday, departed ...

Two cruise ships' crew must conduct self-quarantine: govt

Indonesian Health Ministry's Disease Control and Prevention Directorate General has requested crew members of Dream ...

Foreign investment in petrochemical industry to enter Indonesia

Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto affirmed that foreign investment in the petrochemical industry would enter ...

Over 2,100 ha of rice crop damaged in Indramayu

More than 2,100 hectares of rice crop has been damaged in drought-parched Indramayu District in West Java ...

Fire engulfs 15 fishing boats in Indramayu

Fire engulfed 15 fishing boats in Indramayu, West Java, following an electrical short circuit in the engine room in one ...

Overflowing Cimanuk River inundates Indramayu's five sub-districts

Cimanuk River has overflowed its bank, causing widespread flooding in thousands of homes in 12 villages situated in ...

Disaster mitigation should be incorporated in environmental lesson at schools

Disaster mitigation education should be part of the environmental lesson at schools since disaster and the environment ...

News Focus - Pertamina to take over Indonesia`s largest oil block

Finally, the government has decided not to renew the contract held by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia for the Rokan oil ...

5.0 earthquake jolts indramayu, w java

An earthquake measuring 5.0 on the Richter Scale jolted coastal area in northwest of Indramayu, West Java Province, on ...