
Collection of infection news, found 1.907 news.

Singaporean citizen in Batam infected with Omicron

A probable case of the Omicron variant infection was found in a Singaporean citizen as indicated in the STGF test ...

East Java residents must remain alert for dengue: DPD Speaker

Regional Representatives Council (DPD) Speaker A. A. LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti has asked East Java residents to remain ...

Task force emphasizes continued public compliance to health protocols

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force has reminded people to comply with health protocols amid the rise in the number of ...

Task Force urges regional govts to bolster health protocol monitoring

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force has urged regional governments to once again strengthen monitoring of the ...

Increase in COVID-19 cases triggered by Omicron variant: PDIB

The current increase in COVID-19 cases in the country has been triggered by increased virus transmission in the ...

Asymptomatic Omicron patients urged to self-isolate: KSP

Main expert staff at the Presidential Staff Office Abraham Wirotomo has appealed to people with no or mild symptoms of ...

Surabaya hospitals should be prepared for COVID-19 case spike: Mayor

Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi has urged all hospitals to take precautionary measures against the third wave or ...

Official points to major increase in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia

The number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia increased significantly within the last few days, Head of State-owned ...

2,946 COVID-19 patients receiving treatment at Wisma Atlet

As many as 2,946 COVID-19 patients are currently undergoing treatment at Wisma Atlet COVID-19 Emergency Hospital, ...

Booster vaccination is government's response to Omicron: Task Force

Booster vaccination is being conducted as the government's response in handling the Omicron variant, COVID-19 ...

UVD Robots joins Ecolab’s global infection prevention offerings to fight hospital acquired infections

As new coronavirus variants spread, the growth in demand for infection prevention solutions using UV-C light is ...

New license plate colour bolsters law enforcement efforts: Police

Head of the National Police's public information bureau of the public relations division, Brigadier General Ahmad ...

Increase in COVID-19 cases warning to increase alertness: gov't

The increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the last week must serve as a lesson for Indonesia to increase alertness, ...

Epidemiologist cautions on potential third wave of COVID-19 cases

Griffith University Australia epidemiologist Dicky Budiman has cautioned on the potential third wave of COVID-19 ...

Epidemiologist pushes for massive tracing to contain Omicron cases

Epidemiologist from Andalas University, Padang, West Sumatra, Defriman Djafri has called on the government to ...