
Collection of infections news, found 1.515 news.

West Lombok: Amin listens to farmers' accounts of FMD outbreak

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin listened to farmers' account of  the foot-and-mouth disease ...

C Kalimantan enforces stricter policy to prevent transmission of FMD

The Central Kalimantan Government imposed a more stringent policy on animal distribution as a means to prevent the ...

COVID: Parents asked to join early detection efforts after holiday

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force has urged parents to participate in early detection efforts for COVID-19 after the ...

Number of FMD infections touches 869 in Bengkulu

The Livestock and Animal Health Office of Bengkulu province reported that as of Wednesday, the province had recorded ...

Still studying provision of COVID vaccines to children below six: IDAI

The Indonesian Pediatric Association (IDAI) is still studying indicators regarding the provision of COVID-19 vaccines ...

North Sumatra starts FMD vaccinations

The provincial government of North Sumatra officially started administering the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccine to ...

Developing resiliency against epidemic through national standard

As a form of disaster mitigation and after learning from the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Standardization Agency ...

Indonesia accelerates battle against FMD outbreak in 19 provinces

Indonesia is battling the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak, mostly affecting cows in regions since May 2022, while ...

President Jokowi prescribes lockdown in FMD red zones: BNPB

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)  has issued instructions for the handling of the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in ...

Indonesia records 70 suspected acute hepatitis cases: ministry

At least 70 cases of suspected mysterious acute hepatitis in children have been reported from 21 provinces in Indonesia ...

Jakarta logs highest BA.4, BA.5 cases at 98: ministry

Jakarta has recorded the highest number of infections caused by the BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron subvariants, with 98 cases ...

21 provinces record increase in COVID-19 cases: ministry

As many as 21 provinces in Indonesia have experienced an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in the past week, ...

Tangerang city prepares 727 hospital beds as COVID cases rise

The government of Tangerang city, Banten, has coordinated with 30 hospitals and prepared 727 hospital beds for COVID-19 ...

IDI asks govt to reimpose PCR test requirement for travelers

The Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) has advised the government to reimpose the COVID-19 PCR test requirement for ...

Jakarta's air quality degraded to unhealthy level on Monday: BMKG

The guideline value of PM2.5 concentration on Monday showed the air quality in Jakarta was in the unhealthy category, ...