
Collection of infrastructures news, found 883 news.

Minister discourages people from making home-bound trips on motorcycles

Transportation Minister Freddy Numberi here on Monday urged people intending to make their home-bound Indul Fitri ...

Govt ready to face Idul Fitri exodus

The government has prepared different transportation means, services and security measures to facilitate the flow of ...

News Focus: more budget expected to remove development bottlenecks

Increased budget on infrastructure is expected to be absorbed effectively to remove the bottlenecks in the ...

Capital expenditure for infrastructure must be used effectively

Economic observer Enny Sri Hartati of Indef said capital expenditure on infrastructures amounting to Rp168.1 ...

President promises increased infrastructure spending

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has promised to increase expenditure budget on infrastructure projects as one of ...

President orders better services for home-bound travelers

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has instructed better services for home-bound travelers intending to celebrate ...

Sumatra strives for acceleration of Sunda Strait Bridge Project

Regional administrations on Sumatra Island have decided to strive for the acceleration of the Sunda Strait Bridge ...

State budget needs leadership

The Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) posture is considered as having no leadership economic politically which ...

(ISC)2 Recognizes Pioneering Cyber Security Workforce Initiatives


People forced to wait longer for social security

Indonesian people - those in the low-income bracket in particular, have to exercise a still undetermined additional ...

News Focus: Govt preparing steps in face of fasting month

In the face of the fasting month of Ramadhan in the next two weeks, the government is preparing steps to ensure that ...

Wakatobi Poised To Celebrate Int`l Sail Event

Wakatobi is expected to have a festive atmosphere as 1,000 bikers will tour the district and thousands of local people ...

Kalla advises govt to cut subsidies

Former vice president M. Jusuf Kalla has suggested that the government cut budget allocations for subsidies while at ...

Govt launches "Love Indonesian Fruits"

The government on Sunday launched a "Love Indonesian Fruits" campaign to increase local fruit consumption. State ...

Ri`s industrial product exports projected to grow 8.3 pct

Indonesia`s industrial product exports are projected to grow by 8.3 percent in each of the next five years to reach ...