#intelligence agency

Collection of intelligence agency news, found 615 news.

IKN development should optimize existing domestic resources: BIN Head

Relocation and construction of the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara should optimize the existing resources in ...

Jokowi estimates 15-20 years to complete new capital's construction

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) estimated that it would take approximately 15-20 years to complete the construction of ...

Indonesia should have adequate and reliable medical intelligence: BIN

Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) General Police (Ret.) Budi Gunawan called for Indonesia to have ...

IKN becomes breakthrough to realize Indonesia's Vision 2045: BIN

Construction of Indonesia’s new national capital city (IKN) is a breakthrough to realize the Indonesia Vision ...

BIN calls for expediting vaccinations to reduce COVID positivity rate

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) has reminded all parties of the importance of accelerating COVID-19 vaccinations to ...

Nation's capital development expedites social transformation: BIN Head

Development of the nation's capital is an effort to expedite social transformation to create an advanced ...

House members laud national vaccination achievement

Several members of the House of Representatives (DPR) praised the achievement of national COVID-19 vaccination that had ...

News Focus

Workers in Papua trapped in vicious cycle of armed violence

The cycle of armed violence continues unabated, as workers in the Indonesian province of Papua became the recent ...

Police probe killings of eight civilians in Puncak District's Beoga

A team of investigators, formed by the Puncak district police, will probe the killings of eight civilians by several ...

Eighty Indonesian citizens evacuated from Ukraine reach Tangerang

Eighty Indonesian citizens (WNI) who were evacuated from Ukraine arrived at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang City, ...

Soldier injured in gunfight with Papuan separatists

One soldier was injured in a gunfight that broke out after 15 Papuan separatist terrorists attacked the post of the ...

BIN to vaccinate hundreds of Yogyakarta kindergarteners, students

The State Intelligence Agency, in collaboration with the Yogyakarta Health Office, will offer vaccine shots to hundreds ...

Yogyakarta BIN expedites vaccination amid COVID-19 spike in region

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) for the Special Region of Yogyakarta is accelerating COVID-19 vaccination, ...

Papua BIN head dies of heart attack while dining out

Refuting media reports, the management of Horison Hotel, Sentani, said that Papua's State Intelligence Agency (BIN) ...

Coffin of Indonesia's senior agent in Papua flown to Jakarta

The coffin of Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) in Papua Maj. Gen. Abdul Harris Napoleon, who passed away in ...