#interested in

Collection of interested in news, found 1.681 news.

Dutch historian conducts research on Indonesian history for five decades

Harry A. Poeze, a Dutch researcher and historian, has dedicated 50 years of his life to researching and studying ...

Indonesia urged to equate Indo-Pacific concept with influential countries

Padjadjaran University`s International Relations Expert Teuku Rezasyah opined it is time for Indonesia to build dialog ...

Malaysia interested in Inka`s AC production

Malaysia has expressed interest in train air conditioners made by  the Indonesian state-owned company PT. ...

Celebrating 110 years, Ajinomoto holds "World Umami Forum"

- A seasoning manufacturer from Japan, Ajinomoto Group , held "World Umami Forum" event in New York, United States at ...

Celebrating 110 years of Umami, Ajinomoto holds "World Umami Forum"

- A seasoning manufacturer from Japan, Ajinomoto Group , held "World Umami Forum" event in New York, United States at ...

Celebrate 110 years of Umami, Ajinomoto Helds "World Umami Forum"

- A seasoning manufacturer from Japan, Ajinomoto Group , held "World Umami Forum" event in New York, United States at ...

Trans-Papua`s Jayapura-Wamena section project accelerated

Construction of the 575-kilometer (km) Jayapura-Wamena road section of the Trans-Papua Highway is accelerated to reach ...

News Focus - Indonesia takes efforts to lure more European tourists

Holidaymakers coming from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Russia have become the top five ...

West Papua tourism management needs optimization

The East Indonesian province of West Papua is famous for its attractive tourism potential, but has not been managed ...

Ease of doing business deregulation increases investment

The Ministry of Agriculture states that the ease of doing business deregulation has increased investment in the ...

Fintech firms support national finance inclusion target at 75 percent

Financial technology (Fintech) companies in Indonesia are committed to supporting the government`s programs to ...

Indonesian embassy in Damascus facilitates Syrian businesses

Four Syrian entrepreneurs join the Indonesia-Middle East Gathering on Economy in Yogyakarta, held from October 22 to ...

PMI launches search for next president and CEO

- Project Management Institute (PMI), the world’s leading professional membership organization for project managers, ...

Bali to explore educational cooperation with Malaysia

The provincial government of Bali and the government of Malaysia seek to expand cooperation in education to assist ...

Dozens of Indonesian dancers perform in Solo to enliven SCFD

Dozens of dancers from Ekosdance Company performed energetically with the concept of hip hop music to enliven the Solo ...