Indonesia has been hit by at least two major floods during this current transitional period from the rainy to the dry ...
The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) held a coordinating meeting to discuss efforts to expedite handling of the impacts of ...
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) conveyed its support for the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) in the ...
Wijdan Mohammed Hussein is only four years old, but her face looks ten times older than age. With a tiny and skeletal ...
The governments of the United States (US), Australia, and Sweden have lauded the Indonesian governments diplomatic ...
The delivery of humanitarian assistance from Indonesia to Myanmar is still constrained due to the ongoing process of ...
The situation in Syria now "amounts to an international armed conflict" after U.S. missile strikes on a Syrian air ...
Rebels shot down a Syrian warplane in the northern city of Aleppo on Saturday, killing two pilots, a monitor group ...
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has plans to make the easternmost Indonesian province of Papua a ...
A Russian-backed regime onslaught in northern Syria was reported to have killed more than 500 people this month, as ...
A total of 42 Indonesian citizens from restive Yemen arrived at Ngurah Rai airport in Bali for transit before ...
Colombia`s ELN rebels have freed a Canadian engineer after holding him for more than seven months, the International ...
Germany on Friday called for the release of ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi amid mounting tensions between ...
- Had enough of smog and PM2.5? Want urban creature comforts, pristine air, and glassy lakes? The Beijing – ...
The Red Cross has appealed for an additional $43 million to help hundreds of thousands of people in war-torn Mali, and ...