#international law

Collection of international law news, found 680 news.

Indonesia concerned over US missile attack on Syria

The Indonesian government has expressed concern following the missile attacks launched by the United States military ...

Indonesia encourages fair regulation in outer space

The Indonesian government encourages a fair regulation in the outer space, which is intended to maintain peace, a ...

British ambassador to be summoned over Raja Ampat coral reef destruction

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Panjaitan will summon the ambassador of the UK, Thursday, in ...

IORA members agree to create secure, peaceful region

President Joko Widodo stated that all the leaders of the IORA member countries have committed to create a safe and ...

Indian Ocean peace should be based on international law: Turnbull

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull stated that peace in the Indian Ocean should be built based on ...

Fruits of the Past: Revisiting Indonesia’s trade policy

- Indonesia cannot afford to lose its focus on improving its trade policies. Joko Widodo’s administration has ...

Freeport`s threat evokes a sense of nationalism: Hikmahanto

Freeports threat to bring its legal dispute with the government to the International Court of Arbitration will evoke a ...

Indonesia condemns Israel`s settlement law

The government of Indonesia has condemned the imposition of Israeli settlement law that retroactively legalizes ...

Buddhist leader's annual peace proposal stresses power of youth in building global solidarity, calls on civil society to play active role in nuclear disarmament talks

-Daisaku Ikeda, president of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) Buddhist association, issued his 35th annual peace ...

Indonesia remains optimistic about bilateral ties with the US

The Indonesian government remains optimistic about its bilateral relations with the US following Donald Trumps ...

Trump`s trade policy will not significantly affect Indonesian exports: CORE

While US trade policy under President Trump might potentially become protectionist, it will not significantly affect ...

Indonesia believed to be vital contributor to Middle East peace

Indonesia was invited to attend a conference in Paris on January 15, 2017, as the country is believed to be an ...

Indonesia, Australia should tackle separatist flag raising incident carefully: Prof Juwana

Indonesia and Australia should be careful in addressing the incident of trespassing and raising of a separatist flag ...

Raising Free Papua Movement flag is a crime: House

The hoisting of a separatist Free Papua Movement flag at the Indonesian Consulate General in Melbourne on Friday was a ...

Israeli gov`t to offer Amona settlers new land in West Bank

The Israeli government drafted a deal to relocate residents of the unauthorized West Bank Jewish outpost of Amona to ...