#jakarta government

Collection of jakarta government news, found 367 news.

Jakarta to become sensing city, uses sensors to boost public services

The Jakarta government is preparing to make the capital a sensing city that is based on electronic data and sensors, ...

Vocational training centers to sharpen pesantren graduates' skills

Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, has said that the establishment of community vocational training centers at Islamic ...

Jakarta to open free vehicle emissions testing at bus terminals

The Jakarta government plans to open free vehicle emission testing services at a number of bus terminals as part of ...

Jakarta government to add more schools in populated areas: Hartono

The Jakarta provincial government plans to increase the number of junior high schools and high schools or vocational ...

Envisioning Jakarta's economic influence after capital relocation

The economic growth of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, has been a hot topic every now and then. This is ...

Sanction is interim solution to air pollution issue: Jakarta official

The Jakarta Provincial Government is of the view that slapping sanctions on people whose vehicles failed carbon ...

ASEAN 2023

Jakarta readies 24 electric buses for ASEAN Summit delegates

The Jakarta provincial government has prepared 24 electric buses to serve delegates from several countries during the ...

Jakarta keeps city's temperature cool for 43rd ASEAN Summit

The Provincial Government of Jakarta watered plants and protocol streets in order to keep the temperature in the ...

Jakarta doubles food reserves to anticipate El Nino

The Jakarta provincial government has increased its food reserves to nearly twice as much as last year's to ...

Govt to inspect compliance with vehicle emission testing

The government is formulating technical steps for checking motorized vehicle emission test compliance in ...

Jakarta to open 23 new parks to improve air quality

The Acting Governor of Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, announced on Friday that his administration plans to open 23 new ...

Jakarta govt commits to alleviating extreme poverty in capital city

The Jakarta government has expressed its commitment to alleviating extreme poverty in the capital city as a follow-up ...

Jakarta reduced stunting by 20 percent in three months: Official

The Jakarta Provincial Government was able to reduce the city's stunting rate by 20 percent in the last three ...

Jakarta expands viral tests to reduce spread of HIV/AIDS

The Jakarta Health Service is expanding tests to help minimize the transmission of HIV/AIDS as the number of detected ...

TransJakarta-WRI to involve passengers in carbon emission-reduction

The Jakarta-owned bus rapid transit service TransJakarta is collaborating with the World Resources Institute (WRI) ...