#jakarta residents

Collection of jakarta residents news, found 230 news.

Jakarta residents flocking to Bandung for long weekend

Jakarta residents have come to Bandung in large numbers for the long week-end from Thursday to Sunday to visit ...

BMKG plays down 8.7-magnitude quake prediction

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has played down a prediction that a 8.7-magnitude earthquake ...

TNI, police not to tolerate any security threat

Military (TNI) commander Admiral Agus Suhartono said TNI and the police would not tolerate any action or threat that ...

Minister: no report of Indonesians contaminated by radioactive substances

Foreign minister Marty Natalegawa said here on Tuesday there had been no report so far of Indonesians being ...

Fine weather enables Jakartans to welcome 2011 joyfully

Fine weather made possible for thousands of Jakartans to welcome the New Year 2011 amidst the festive atmosphere in ...