#jambi province

Collection of jambi province news, found 299 news.

VP to open Jambi Gold Expo 2011

Jambi Goveror Drs Hasan Basri Agus said Vice President Boediono will open the Sumatera Invesment Forum - Jambi Emas ...

Police arrest four suspected drug traffickers

Police arrested four suspected drug traffickers in two different places in Jambi province this week, a spokesman said ...

Two children believed infected by bird flu

Two children in the West Sumatran city of Padang are suspected of having contracted bird flu , a doctor at M.Jamil ...

PLN to build six power plants with foreign capital

State electricity company PLN is to build six power plants in 2011 with overseas investment totaling 3.006 billion ...

Bird flu continuing to menace Cirebon district

Cirebon district in West Java remains vulnerable to bird flu infection because of the local government`s limited ...

Bird flu kills hundreds of chickens in Jambi

Bird flu has killed several hundred chickens in certain areas of Jambi Kota and Jambi Luar Kota neighborhoods, Jambi ...

Bird flu outbreak threatens Lampung

Bird flu virus has threatened chickens of residents in Nabang Sari village, Kedondong subdistrict, Pesawaran ...

Sumatran tiger population in Jambi keeps declining

The population of critically endangered Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris Sumatrae) in Jambi province keeps declining. ...

Kerinci to participate in archipelago drum festival in Malaka

Kerinci district will send a team to Malaka, Malaysia, to participate in the 14th archipelago drum festival that will ...

Boar Hunting Tradition Jambi`s Special Tourist Attraction

Wild boars and rats are annoying pests, destroying hundreds of hectares of rice fields and other crops every year in ...

Lakes in Kerinci can be tourism mainstay

Kerinci district government in Jambi province has invited investors to develop six lakes in the district into tourism ...

Boar Hunting Tradition Jambi`s Special Tourist Attraction

Wild boars and rats are annoying pests, destroying hundreds of hectares of rice fields and other crops every year in ...

Boar hunting tradition in Jambi unique

Wild boar hunting tradition in Kerinci district can be turned into another tour package in Jambi province, Jambi ...

Govt to implement forest conversion moratorium in January

The Forestry Ministry is to implement a 2-year moratorium on the issuance of permits for the conversion of primary and ...