#java island

Collection of java island news, found 855 news.

President Jokowi chairs limited cabinet meeting on tourism in Magelang

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) chaired a limited cabinet meeting to discuss the development of four priority tourist ...

News Focus

Kalimantan forest to remain intact despite capital development

The Joko Widodo (Jokowi) administration has assured that the development of the capital city will not damage the ...

New capital city to not become new autonomous region: Minister

Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo has excluded the possibility of forming a new autonomous region in Kutai ...

Minister clarifies no hurdles in preparing new capital city's location

Environmental Affairs and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya confirmed no difficulties in preparing location for new ...

Time to shift capital city to Kalimantan: Jokowi

To reduce the burden on Java Island, the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) government will construct a new capital in an area partly ...

Forest preservation prioritized in capital city transfer to Kalimantan

The government has made assurance that relocation of the capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan will ensure that ...

Krakatau Festival is Lampung's key tourism promotional event: governor

Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi believes that the Krakatau Festival is a central event of Lampung Province to draw ...

Annual Budget Speech

Funding to relocate capital city sourced from privates, SOEs

Funding to relocate the capital city in Kalimantan Island will be sourced from the collaboration between private ...

Renewable energy plants development remains sluggish: Kalla

Indonesia has a sluggish development of renewable energy power plants, which is necessary to fulfill the stockpiles of ...

Joint team combs Mount Sumbing to ensure fire completely doused

A joint team is conducting a thorough search of Mount Sumbing in Wonosobo District, Central Java Province, to ensure ...

PLN urged to strengthen infrastructure capability: legislator

State-owned electricity firm PLN is expected to prevent recurrence of Sunday's major blackout afflicting certain ...

Investigation results of Sunday's power outage to be announced: police

A joint investigation team will declare the results of its preliminary investigation into Sunday's major blackout ...

NPP maintains durability and security of energy supply: BATAN

Nuclear power plants (NPPs) could be an alternative for Indonesia to maintain the durability and security of energy ...

News Focus

Nearly 50 million Indonesians threatened by extreme drought

An El Niño-induced severe dry spell has cast a pall over 100 districts and cities in Indonesia’s provinces ...

PUPR Ministry inspects availability of clean water in regions

The Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry inspected the availability of clean water in dams, lakes, and ...