#job opportunities

Collection of job opportunities news, found 888 news.

News Focus

Government remains upbeat about investment growth in 2019-2024 period

To drive more investment that can generate employment opportunities features among the priority programs vowed by ...

News Focus

Improving human resources to respond to global challenges

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), who has been reelected for the 2019-2024 period, is set to focus on the development of ...

Bappenas highlights key challenges faced in human resource development

Minister of National Development Planning and Chief of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Bambang ...

News Focus

Sandiaga Uno fights for a reason

Ma'ruf Amin pair. Instead of being dragged into a long disappointment with the recent election result, he ...

PDIP has yet to propose names of ministerial candidates to Jokowi

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) has yet to propose and submit names of his future cabinet members to ...

News Focus

Awaiting Jokowi's new cabinet

The new Indonesian cabinet will have members from different political parties and various professional backgrounds, ...

Govt should develop four leading sectors to boost investment: KEIN

The National Industry and Economic Committee (KEIN) has recommended the government to prioritize the development of ...

Jokowi outlines five priority programs for 2019-2024 period

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) outlined five priority programs for his second term in the 2019-2024 period at an event ...

Indonesia targets US$5 billion oil and gas investment from UAE

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan is targeting investment worth US$5 billion from a cooperation ...

Indonesia to put spotlight on global economy at G20 Summit

Indonesia will draw attention to global economic and financial issues at the Group of Twenty (G20) Summit to be held on ...

Japan unveils several thousand job opportunities for Indonesians

Job opportunities to work in Japan are wide open for Indonesians, particularly those coming from North ...

Apindo recommends government to focus to labor intensive industry

A delegation of the Indonesian Businessmen's Association (Apindo), at a meeting with President Joko Widodo ...

Govt, stakeholders should synergize efforts to protect migrant workers

- for foreign workers, who will work in Japan," Trisiana revealed. Trisiana stated that Japan had opened ...

Government to focus on human resource development in 2020

The government is making efforts to improve the quality of human resources in its working plan for 2020, the National ...

London School encourages "parentpreneurship" for autistic children

The London School of Public Relations (LSPR) Jakarta has called on parents with children afflicted with autistic ...