#jusuf kalla

Collection of jusuf kalla news, found 2.490 news.

Vice President reviews readiness of trains at gambir station

Vice President Jusuf Kalla reviewed the readiness of the Argo Dwipangga Fakultatif train carriages at the Gambir ...

Jokowi, kalla lay first cornerstone of international islamic university campus

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla laid the first cornerstone for the construction of ...

UIII to become Indonesian Islamic civilization study center

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has hoped that the planned Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII) would ...

Jokowi reports gratification of Rp58 billion

President Joko Widodo is the state official who reported the highest gratification up to June 4 valued at Rp58 ...

President inaugurates Staquf as Presidential Advisory Council member

President Joko Widodo inaugurated Yahya Cholil Staquf as member of the Presidential Advisory Council. President ...

Football parts of character education: minister

Football is part of character education for students of Junior High Schools (SMP) in Indonesia, Education and Culture ...

President pays Rp50 million of tithe through National Alms Agency

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) paid Rp50 million `zakat mal` or obligatory tithe through the National Alms Agency ...

Basuki Hadimuljono denies complaints of Gapensi saying private contractors more dominant

Public Works and Housing Minister, Basuki Hadimuljono, said private contractors are involved in more than 70 percent ...

President signs regulation on Eid al-Fitr allowances

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has signed a government regulation on granting of Eid al-Fitr allowances to civil ...

President installs new chief of naval staff

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), at the State Palace, here, Wednesday, installed Vice Admiral Siwi Sukma Adji as new ...

Anwar Ibrahim comes to Jakarta at Habibie`s invitation

The arrival of Anwar Ibrahim who is the chairman of the People`s Justice Party (PKR) and Alliance of Hope (Pakatan ...

Kalla joins peaceful rally for Palestine

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla joined a peaceful rally for Palestine at Yenikapi Field in Istambul, Turkey, ...

President asks police, military chiefs to maintain security during Ramadan

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has instructed the National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian, National Defense ...

Kalla regrets children`s involvement in terror attacks

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla expressed regret over the involvement of children in suicide bombings at three ...

First Lady Iriana Jokowi invites hundreds of children to palace

First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo (Jokowi) along with vice president`s wife Mufidah Jusuf Kalla invited hundreds of ...