
Collection of kingdom news, found 1.679 news.

Energous secures industry-first regulatory approval for its revolutionary WattUp wireless charging technology in Japan

- Today Energous Corporation (Nasdaq: WATT), the developer of WattUp®, a revolutionary wireless charging 2.0 ...

Ministry conducts airport monitoring, anticipates impact of Umrah ban

Indonesia's Religious Affairs Ministry dispatched officers to supervise airports as a precautionary measure against ...

President respects Saudi Arabia's provisional ban on Umrah services

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) respects the Saudi Arabian government’s decision to temporarily halt ...

News Feature

Fate of Jakarta's giant sea embankment as a flood barrier

A placard on the artificial island, Neeltje-Jans, the Netherlands, reads: "Hier gaan over het tij, de wind, de ...

Baubau city mayor launches book in National Press Day's anniversary

Baubau City Mayor Abdul Sajid Tamrin has cemented a culturally-based development approach by launching his book titled ...

Indonesian researcher bags Newton Prize for research on climate change

Indonesian researcher won the 2019 Newton Prize for research conducted in collaboration with British researcher that ...

Self-proclaimed king Toto sought financial contribution from followers

Totok Santoso, self-proclaimed king of the so-called "Keraton Agung Sejagat" Kingdom in Purworejo District, ...

LEGO® Education celebrates 40 years of reimagining the way children learn with new hands-on STEAM learning solution

- LEGO® Education is celebrating its 40th birthday with the worldwide launch of its newest educational solution, ...

Morocco-Indonesia brotherhood has existed since 16th century

The Brotherhood between the Moroccan and Indonesian ulemas has been in existence since the 16th century, Moroccan ...

Indonesia signs Rp9.75 billion-worth deals at Vietnam Expo

Indonesian products clinched Rp9.75 billion in potential transactions at the Vietnam Expo 2019 held at Saigon ...

Mary Kay Inc. caps off landmark scientific credentialing year at 73rd Society of Cosmetic Chemists Meeting

- In 2019, Mary Kay Inc. continued its decades-long commitment to skin science research by revealing the results of ...

Indonesia extends congratulations to British PM Boris Johnson

The Indonesian government congratulated Prime Minister Boris Johnson over his thumping victory in the British election ...

UK, Indonesia collaborate in endeavors to weed out corruption

The United Kingdom (UK) and Indonesia are working hand in glove in corruption prevention initiatives through the Global ...

ANTARA's Choice

Enthralling cultural experiences in vibrant Jakarta that never sleeps

Life in Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city, never really seems to cease, with the wheels of the economy always ...

Amazon customers shop at record levels again this holiday season – Cyber Monday 2019 becomes the single biggest shopping day in the company’s history

- (NASDAQ:AMZN) – Amazon today announced that Cyber Monday was once again the single biggest shopping day in the ...