
Collection of lalu news, found 344 news.

Lebaran traffic-related accidents claim 39 lives in South Sumatra

South Sumatra`s traffic police said on Thursday that around 64 cases of Lebaran-related traffic accidents have been ...

Anwar Ibrahim pensiun jika kalah pemilu

Pemimpin oposisi Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim, berencana akan mengakhiri 30 tahun karir politiknya, jika ia gagal untuk ...

Enam gerilyawan tewas dalam bentrokan di Filipina selatan

Sedikit-dikitnya enam gerilyawan separatis tewas dalam pertempuran pada Jumat malam (17/8) di Provinsi Maguindanao, ...

Some 14 holiday travelers killed in traffic accidents in N Sumatra

At least 14 persons, homebound for the Lebaran festival, have been killed in 64 traffic accidents that have taken ...

Around 85 killed in E Java traffic accident in three weeks

The East Java police said at least 85 people had been killed in traffic accidents during three week of the fasting ...

Lombok to host world meeting of SMEs

The Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) said Lombok of West Nusatenggara will host a world meeting of ...

perjanjian damai Filipina-gerilyawan Muslim akan diumumkan

Pemerintah Filipina Sabtu menjamin bahwa mereka tidak akan menandatangani perjanjian perdamaian dengan separatis Front ...

Slain migrant workers not forgotten on May Day

The three Indonesian migrant workers who died after being shot in their heads and chests by five Malaysian policemen ...

Marty calls NTB governor on workers` deaths in Malaysia

Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa called West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Governor TGH M Zainul Majdi regarding the ...

Satu tewas, 27 tentara luka serangan bom di Filipina

Satu bom jebakan (booby trap) kuat menewaskan satu tentara Filipina dan melukai 27 orang lain ketika mereka berpatroli ...

ASEAN tingkatkan upaya atasi sengketa Laut China Selatan

Para pemimpin Perhimpunan Bangsa Bangsa Asia Tenggara (ASEAN) pada Rabu berjanji berupaya menyelesaikan sengketa ...

Twenty-six fatalities in two bus accidents in West Java

Two traffic accidents in which two buses plunged into ravines killing a total of at least 26 people in Sumedang ...

PT Pembangunan Batam ready for gas supplies to industries

Batam regional company PT Pembangunan Batam has established cooperation with state gas company PT PGN and PT Inti ...

Meski berisiko, Rusia luncurkan misi Phobos-Grunt

Phobos Grunt sebagai misi angkasa contoh yang gagal oleh Rusia ke satelit planet Mars diluncurkan, kendati ilmuwan ...

Vietnam launches plan on traffic safety in 2012

The Vietnamese government decided to make 2012 a "year for traffic safety" during which traffic regulations and orders ...