
Collection of landslides news, found 1.161 news.

Three die in Banjarnegara landslide

A landslide that struck in Banjarnegara District of Central Java Province on Friday at 18:00 PM local time buried 105 ...

Flash flooding forces 487 East Jakartans to seek temporary shelter

The flash floods from Bogor, West Java, have forced 487 inhabitants of Kampung Pulo and Bidara Cina to evacuate to ...

BNPB warns Jakartans about peak flooding in mid-January

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has warned residents of Jakarta, popularly called Jakartans, to be ...

Jakarta claims to be better prepared to tackle floods

Jakarta is notorious for its traffic jams and floods during the rainy season, which usually begins late in the year ...

Indonesia SAR prepares map of Jakarta`s flood-prone areas

The Indonesia National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) is preparing a map of those Jakarta areas that are prone to ...

Floods submerge 1.942 hectares of rice fields in Kuantan Singingi, Riau

Floods have inundated rice fields covering a total area of 1,942 hectares and killed a number of cattle in Kuantan ...

Indonesia's Banten Province prepared to face natural disasters

As many as 360 volunteers in Lebak District, Banten Province, have been trained and equipped with evacuation tools to ...

Indonesian army makes 2.9 million bio-pore holes

The Indonesian defense unit comprising the Military Area Command VII/Wirabuana, the Air Force Operational Commands II, ...

Greenhouse gas found rising from New Zealand seafloor

New Zealand and German scientists have found a major network of frozen methane and methane gas, causing underwater ...

More airplane needed for weather modification in Indonesia: BPPT

The Agency of Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) required at least 15 airplane to optimally implement the ...

Tens of houses inundated in Subang, W. Java

Floods inundated several houses in the Subang District, West Java Province, following incessant heavy rains that ...

Floods inundate 18 thousand houses in Bandung district

Around 18 thousand houses were inundated in Bojongsoang, Baleendah and Dayeuhkolot sub-districts, Bandung District, ...

Floods still threatening Jakarta until March

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) called on residents of Jakarta and its satellite town of Bogor, Depok, ...

flooding sends thousands of Ifndonesians back to refugee camps

New waves of flooding has forced thousands of Indonesians to leave homes to suffer in refugee camps again. The ...

Angry Mount Kelud sends volcanic ashes

Areas around Magelang in Central Java were showered with volcanic ashes until Friday morning believed to come from ...