
Collection of laut news, found 286 news.

Rescue team finds five more victims of ill-fated vessel

The search and rescue team has found five more victims of the ill-fated KM Fungka Permata V that caught fire and sank ...

Twenty passengers of MV Fungka Permata still missing

At least 20 passengers of ill fated motorboat the Fungka Permata V, which caught fire and sank in the sea off Banggai ...

News focus - Indonesia has serious concern about plastic waste reduction by Otniel Tamindael

Efforts to reduce global plastic waste are a serious concern of the Indonesian government, along with delegations from ...

PLTA Peusangan to be completed and operational in 2022

The hydro electric plant (PLTA) Peusangan being built in the district of Aceh Tengah,with a capacity of 88 megawatts ...

South Kalimantan hopes for more rain to cope with forest fires

The people of South Kalimantan hope that rain would fall again to send away haze of smokes that begin to blanket some ...

Plastics remain biggest threat to scenic indonesian oceans

The oceans in Indonesia, known for their beauty and abundant wealth, continue to face the deadliest threats to their ...

Indonesia committed to develop renewable energy-based power plants: President

The Indonesian government is committed to developing new and renewable energy-based power plants to meet power needs ...

Kaltara, youngest and most advanced province

Established on April 22, 2013, North Kalimantan (Kaltara) has made a lot of progress in terms of infrastructure ...

Indonesian Navy expects to have 20 missile boats by 2024

The Indonesian Navy expects to have 20 fast missile boats of 60 meters (KCR 60 metres) by 2024 to strengthen the ...

AS sambut keputusan Arab Saudi tetap buka pelabuhan Yaman

Amerika Serikat pada Kamis menyambut keputusan pasukan gabungan pimpinan Arab Saudi yang akan tetap membuka pelabuhan ...

Empat tewas dalam penyergapan terhadap iringan PBB di Nigeria

Empat orang tewas akibat iringan bantuan Program Pangan Dunia PBB disergap di Nigeria timur laut, kata juru bicara ...

Saham-saham bursa Tokyo ditutup bervariasi

Saham-saham Tokyo ditutup beragam pada Selasa, karena kenaikan dari ekspektasi pasar terhadap reformasi pajak Amerika ...

Satellites detect 15 hotspots in West Sumatra

A total of 15 hotspots were detected in West Sumatra Province on Wednesday, according to an official. Based on ...

Police, customs foil attempt to smuggle meth in Aceh

A joint team of National Police and Customs has arrested four suspects and foiled an attempt to smuggle 30 kilograms ...

Indonesia, Norway commit to assure sea healthiness

Indonesia and Norway have made commitment to jointly work to assure sea healthiness to reduce the impact of climate ...