#legal entities

Collection of legal entities news, found 195 news.

Hostage crisis finally ends with release of last two Indonesians

The year 2016 was tainted by five hostage-taking incidents, occurring between March and July, with a total of 24 ...

Indonesia denounces truck attack in Berlin

The Indonesian government has strongly denounced the deadly truck attack on a crowd at a Berlin Christmas market on ...

Govt secures release of two Indonesians held by Abu Sayyaf

The government of Indonesia has secured the release of two crew men from the TB Charles ship, who had been held ...

Indonesia condemns terror attack on Egyptian church

The government of Indonesia has strongly condemned the terror attack on the Egyptian Coptic Church in Cairo on Sunday ...

More Indonesians falling prey to human trafficking

The number of Indonesians becoming victims of human trafficking has shown an upward trend in the past few years, the ...

Four Indonesian hostages in Somalia freed

Four Indonesian seafarers were freed after being held hostages by Somali pirates for almost five years. "Four ...

49 hajj pilgrims with Philippine passports return to Indonesia

A total of 49 Hajj pilgrims with Philippine passports have returned to Indonesia on the second day of repatriation, ...

FM assigns special team for return of Indonesian pilgrims

A special team to deal with the return of hundreds of Indonesian pilgrims who performed the Hajj with passports ...

Indonesian MOFA`s anniversary: facing more dynamic regional, global challenges

When the founding fathers of the Republic of Indonesia declared the countrys independence from Dutch colonial masters ...

Govt should urge Philippines to implement trilateral agreement: House

The Indonesian government should urge the Philippines to implement trilateral cooperation agreed to among Indonesia, ...

Govt confirms one more Indonesian abducted in Malaysian water

Director of Citizen and Legal Entities Protection of the Foreign Affairs Ministry Lalu Muhammad Iqbal has confirmed ...

Govt asks students in Turkey to stay away from pasiad

The government has asked all Indonesian students in Turkey to temporarily stay away from the Pacific Nations Social ...

Indonesian govt pushing company to offer compensation to hostages` families

The Indonesian government has ordered the company owning Tugboat Charles to pay compensation to the seven hostages ...

indonesian govt condemns Orlando night club shooting incident

The Indonesian government condemned the shooting incident that occurred in a night club in Orlando, Florida, the ...

Four Indonesian sailors held captive in Philippines arrive in Jakarta

Four Indonesian ship crew members, who were released by an armed group of the Philippines, have arrived in Jakarta on ...