#let it save

Collection of let it save news, found 1.928 news.

Fiscal room to be wider in 2015: Finance minister

Finance minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said fiscal room in 2015 would be wider because the government would boost tax ...

Indonesian govt considered global oil prices to set subsidized fuel prices

The government considered the US dollar exchange rate and international oil prices before increasing the prices of ...

Govt to save Rp100 trillion from fuel price hike

The government is set to save around Rp100 trillion in funds from the Rp2,000 rise in the price of every liter of ...

Paul G. Allen Extends Tackle Ebola Effort to Address Plight of Children Orphaned by Ebola

- Philanthropist Paul G. Allen today announced a multi-million dollar grant aimed at addressing one of the most tragic ...

Peabody Chairman & CEO Greg Boyce Calls On Global Leaders To Use Lessons Learned From Three Major APEC Nations To Improve Global Energy Policy

- Peabody Energy (NYSE: BTU) Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Gregory H. Boyce today offered a five-point policy ...

Environmental degradation triggers drought: Walhi

The Indonesian Forum for Environment (Walhi) of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) explained that drought occurs almost ...

QingCloud Secures a Foothold In Hong Kong to Kick Off Go-Global Drive

- QingCloud, a China-based provider of cloud computing services, announced in Beijing on October 27 that it would chart ...

Indonesia fuel subsidy cut not significant to reduce current account deficit

Former Governor of Bank Indonesia Darmin Nasution said increase in the prices of subsidized oil fuels (BBM) would not ...

Aid workers must heed local culture to save lives: Red Cross

When Ebola emerged in West Africa this year, the virus was able to spread so quickly partly because burial rituals in ...

Yudhoyono`s call for mangrove protection goes unheard

President Yudhoyonos repeated calls for protecting mangroves in Indonesia seem to have fallen on deaf ears as their ...

Yiwu Fair - An Alternative to the Canton Fair

- As osmanthus blossoms in autumn, the 20th Yiwu Fair has basically completed the preparatory work and is equipped for ...

Fights Against Illicit Drugs Intensified to Save Youths

Indonesia has to intensify fight against illicit drugs in order to save the nations younger generation, who are prone ...

Ukraine, Russia leaders to meet in a bid to rescue truce

Ukraines President Petro Poroshenko on Saturday said he will meet with Russias Vladimir Putin next week as Kiev ...

US pressing Turkey to join anti-IS coalition

The United States is pushing Turkey to join the fight against Islamic militants, amid frustration and wariness in both ...

Emergency centers needed to contain Ebola in West Africa: UN

The worst outbreak of Ebola on record can be contained if countries quickly build and staff treatment centers in West ...