
Collection of lungs news, found 163 news.

Developing nations must prioritize fight against cervical cancer

A Dutch gynecologist has called cervical cancer (or cancer of the cervix) a developing country disease because 80 ...

News Focus: Mt Lokon eruption forces mass evacuation

A major eruption of Mount Lokon in Tomohon, North Sulawesi, on Thursday evening (July 14) has struck local villagers ...

Tomohon residents need masks following Mt Lokon eruption

Residents of Tomohon and part of Minahasa District badly need masks to protect them from volcanic ash from the Mount ...

Sanofi's Investigational Semuloparin in Cancer Patients Initiating Chemotherapy Shows a 64 % Risk Re

-        - Results of Phase III SAVE-ONCO Study Selected for "Best of ASCO 2011" ...

Kalimantan forest areas hosting some of world`s lungs

Forest areas in Kalimantan island, including those in Banjar districts , are host to some of the lungs of the world, a ...

Zsa Zsa Gabor hospitalized with pneumonia

Ailing Hollywood actress Zsa Zsa Gabor was back in the hospital on Wednesday with pneumonia, her spokesman told ...

Papua`s tourism potentials the best in world

Chairman of the Jayapura Association of Indonesian Development Youths Hendrik Yance Udam said that the tourism ...

People`s green lifestyle awareness for better earth

In recent years after the awareness of the effect of global warming there was a certain lifestyle adopted to support ...

Save water sources for next generations

Ever heard the punchline "Save the Water, Drink Beer"?. Although the saying might originally have been intended to ...

Oil palm plantations must not harm protected forests

Oil palm estates in Kapuas Hulu district, West Kalimantan province, have been urged not to damage protected and ...

Drinking water in Vietnam has excessive arsenic

More than a quarter of drinking wells in Vietnam`s densely-populated Red River delta contain unsafe levels of arsenic ...

Task force chief: only few aware of REDD

Chief of the REDD Plus Task Force Kuntoro Mangkusubroto has said only few people were aware of REDD (Reducing Emission ...

Indonesian organization to organize int`l youth forum on climate change

2007 Nobel peace prize laureate and former US Vice President Al Gore`s hope on Indonesia to popularize climate change ...