Disaster mitigation education should be part of the environmental lesson at schools since disaster and the environment ...
Surabaya, the second largest city in Indonesia, is similar to other metropolitan cities, being characterized by ...
At least seven tourist destinations in the beach of Merak Belantung, sub-district of Kalianda in the district of South ...
The mangrove forests scattered in Bombana District, Southeast Sulawesi Province, need to be preserved as a habitat for ...
The Indonesian Navy Fleet Command (Koarmada) I foiled an attempt to smuggle 5.297 kilograms of crystal meth in Asahan ...
Some 18 thousand tourists from various regions have visited the mangrove forest track located in Pariaman City, West ...
Terih Village, which has become an alternative tourism destination built by local residents and the environment ...
The Department of Youth, Sports, Culture, and Tourism (Disporabudpar) of Mimika District, Papua Province, is ...
Plastic and Styrofoam products have made life so simple and easy for mankind. Plastic bags, plastic dishes, and ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) rode a trail motor to visit the shrimp ponds in a social forest area in Muara Gembong, ...
Renowned for its natural beauty, the Way Kambas National Park (TNWK) is an icon of East Lampung District and has been ...
Three mangrove ecotourism areas of Lahundape, Purirano, and Bungkutoko along the coast of Kendary Bay in the ...
The Kendari city administration in the Indonesian province of Southeast Sulawesi, in coordination with the local ...
A study on mangrove forests spanning 214 hectares in Bengkulu revealed that the area was able to absorb and store ...
The Way Kambas Festival in the district of East Lampung, Lampung Province, scheduled from November 11 to 13, 2016, ...