
Collection of mangroves news, found 338 news.

Students to promote mangrove preservation through concert

Diponegoro University (UNDIP) students grouped in a mangrove forest preservation community called KeSEMat are to ...

Indonesia`s mangroves need proper management

Mangrove forests - a common natural feature of tropical and subtropical coastlines - are among the most biologically ...

Mangrove Fforest conservation needed to overcome climate change

Indonesia should prioritize mangrove forest conservation as a way to overcome climate change, a researcher has said. ...

Bangka Belitung to plant 100 thousand mangrove trees

The Bangka Belitung people through a Bangka Goes Green (BGG) movement will plant 100 thousand mangrove seedlings in ...

Australian survives attack by four-metre croc

An Australian fisherman was recovering in hospital Thursday after surviving a terrifying attack by a four-metre ...

President to open ARF Direx in Manado

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is scheduled to open the ASEAN Regional Forum Disaster Relief Exercise (ARF Direx) ...

Around 96 Percent of Mangroves in Lampung Gone

Around 96 percent of mangrove forest areas in Lampung Province have gone, according to data obtained from the latest ...

Climate change begins changing food production pattern

Climate change is now no longer a potenial threat to Indonesia`s food production but a phenomenon that has already ...