#march 28

Collection of march 28 news, found 207 news.

Papua police awaits Densus 88's church attack plot probe results

The Papua police still awaits the final outcomes of a probe into nine men and a woman recently apprehended for ...

One held for illegal weapons trade in Malang, East Java

Indonesian Police’s anti-terror squad, Densus 88, has arrested one man suspected of selling illegally-made ...

BNN confiscates 212.39 kg crystal meth from Madura-Dumai drug ring

Indonesia's National Narcotics Agency (BNN) confirmed that 212.39 kilograms crystal meth and 19,700 ecstasy pills ...

Makassar's slain terror suspect was formerly convicted as terrorist:

A terror suspect, MT, 49, shot dead by the Indonesian Police's anti-terror squad, Densus 88, was a former terror ...

Densus 88 apprehends six terror suspects in Makassar

The Indonesian Police’s anti-terror squad Densus 88, on Tuesday, arrested six terror suspects allegedly linked to ...

Indonesian embassy responds to rise in anti-Asian hate crimes in USA

The Indonesian embassy in Washington DC responded to the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes by inviting two US police ...

Densus 88 arrests terror suspect in Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta

The National Police’s anti-terror squad Densus 88 arrested a suspected terrorist in Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta on ...

One of four wanted terror suspects detained in Jakarta

Indonesian police's special counter-terrorism detachment, Densus 88, has apprehended one of four most-wanted terror ...

West Aceh administration bolsters counter-radicalism program

The West Aceh district administration has stepped up its Muslim Village Program to safeguard its people from being ...

COVID-19: Govt extends PPKM-Mikro in 20 provinces

Home Minister Tito Karnavian on Monday issued a ministerial instruction to extend the imposition of micro-scale public ...

News Focus

Aceh's struggle to bring foreign tourist arrivals back on track

Aceh Office has recorded no foreign tourist arrivals in the province since early this year on account of travel ...

News Focus

Vaccination campaign key for revival of Bali's tourism industry

The COVID-19 pandemic has dragged Indonesia into serious public health and economic crises, like many other countries ...

Indonesia, Romania agree to boost trade, investment cooperation

Indonesia and Romania have agreed to increase cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, investment, ...

Micro-scale restrictions helping Bali slash infection rate: Governor

Bali Governor Wayan Koster has claimed that the customary village-based imposition of micro-scale public activity ...

Task force confirms 7,664 command posts nationwide to handle COVID-19

Until March 28, Indonesia had 7,664 command posts established by authorities in 15 provinces to impose micro-scale ...