#marine resources

Collection of marine resources news, found 449 news.

Malaysia released four Belawan fishermen

The Medan chapter of the All Indonesia Fishermen`s Association confirmed that four fishermen from Belawan caught by ...

VP calls for better security against illegal fishing

Vice President Boediono has called on security agencies to step up security in the sea to prevent illegal fishing that ...

VP Boediono calls on regional govts to develop marine tourism

Vice President Boediono has called on regional administrations in Indonesia to develop marine tourism in order ...

RI ministry to initiate mangrove planting drive in Tanjung Kelayang

The Fisheries and Marine Resources Ministry will initiate a drive to plant 1,000 mangrove saplings on the coast of ...

RI govt to issue decree on pearl culture to optimize trade

The government will issue a decree on pearl culture to optimize trade, Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister Fadel ...

Students clean up Tanjung Kelayang Beach

Around 400 students of Sijuk sub district, Belitung District, Bangka Belitung (Babel) Province, joined an activity of ...

news focus: Babel poised to host sail Wakatobi Belitong peak event

Bangka Belitung (Babel) Province has been busy making preparations for the peak event of Sail Wakatobi Belitong (WWB) ...

Traditional fishing boats to join Sail Wakatobi Belitong parade

Some 500 traditional fishing boats will join the Sail Wakatobi Belitong (SWB) peak event. "At the SWB`s peak ...

RI govt to invest up to Rp2,400 trillion to develop Sulawesi

The government plans to invest up to Rp2,400 trillion to develop Sulawesi, Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister ...

Govt aims to produce billions of ornamental fish

Indonesia expects to produce three billion ornamental fish this year, an official of the ministry of fisheries and ...

Coral reef destruction caused by Montara explosion

Timor Sea observer Ferdi Tanoni said the destruction of coral reefs in Sawu waters in East Nusa Tenggara was caused by ...

Some 11,800 tons of imported salt to be destroyed

A total of 11,800 tons of imported salt that failed to comply with import procedures will soon be destroyed, Maritime ...

Indonesia - Korea to Build Marine and Fisheries Institute in Karawang

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and Korea Marine Institute (KMI) agree to build national Marine and ...

Indonesia - Korea to Increase Partnership in Marine Sector

Indonesia and Korea agree to increase partnership in marine and fisheries sector which they have good relationship for ...

APEC now aware of need to conserve marine resources

Contributing more than 90 percent of global aquaculture production, over 75 percent of the world`s capture fisheries ...