#marine surveillance

Collection of marine surveillance news, found 5 news.

KKP ready to bolster marine space surveillance around Nusantara

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) expressed its readiness to strengthen marine space surveillance ...

Upgrading Natuna's status to province not deemed urgent by lawmaker

House of Representatives' Commission I member Sodik Mudjahid views it nonurgent to upgrade Natuna District, Riau ...

Indonesia to cooperate with Scandinavian countries to increase maritime innovation

Indonesia will cooperate with Norway and Denmark to give a push to innovation in the maritime sector, Minister of ...

japan says China ships off disputed isles

Four Chinese government ships entered territorial waters around Japan-controlled islands at the centre of a dispute ...

Japanese PM orders Self Defense Forces fully prepared for emergency

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda ordered Japan`s Self Defense Forces (JSDF) to be fully prepared for any ...