
Collection of medan news, found 1.912 news.

20,500 Jakarta police, military officers to secure student rally

The Jakarta Police have placed on guard 20,500 officers in the face of university students again staging a ...

Police probe ongoing over two Halu Oleo university student deaths

The Indonesian Police's investigation team is yet in the process of conducting a probe into the deaths of two ...

MER-C avers in baseless accusation of ambulances of carrying stones

Medical Emergency Response Committee (MER-C) Indonesia adviser Joserizal Jurnalis quoted it as saying that levelling ...

President instructs Karnavian to investigate alleged repressive acts

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has issued instructions to Indonesian Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian to conduct a ...

IMM calls on National Police to investigate cadre's death

The Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM) urged the National Police to conduct a comprehensive and transparent probe ...

Halu Oleo University student killed in massive Kendari protest

A series of student protests against several controversial bills, including the Criminal Code Bill, continued in ...

Universities to be sanctioned if students encouraged to stage rallies

Rectors and university lecturers could be sanctioned if they encourage students to stage rallies, according to ...

Minister discusses demonstrating students' sentiments with Jokowi

Research, Technology, and Higher Education Minister Mohamad Nasir met President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to discuss the ...

High school students protest, hurl stones at police

Hundreds of high school students hurled stones at the police who were guarding the parliament building complex in ...

KontraS urges legal process against officers using violence

The Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS) has urged the Indonesian Police to legally process ...

South Sulawesi police apologize for mosque incident

The South Sulawesi Police have issued apology after two policemen entered a mosque without releasing their boots in ...

Indonesian students hold rallies to protest law changes

Thousands of Indonesia's university students in various regions have once again taken to the streets to protest the ...

ANTARA urges police to probe violence against journalist

ANTARA News Director Akhmad Munir has urged the National Police to be serious and transparent in probing the case of ...

Police brutalize ANTARA journalist in Makassar

An ANTARA journalist has become a victim of the repressive acts of the police's anti-riot squad members during a ...

Indonesian students again stage rallies in protest of law changes

Thousands of Indonesia's university students in various regions have once again taken to the streets in protest ...