
Collection of medan news, found 1.912 news.

18,002 evacuees from mount sinabung eruptions still taking shelter

Many evacuees from the Mount Sinabung eruptions in North Sumatras Karo district have returned home, with nearly 18 ...

N. Sumatra sets higher target for corn production this year

North Sumatra sets target for corn production at 1,628,149 tons this year, up from last years target of 1,494,050 ...

Jokowi`s electability remains at the top: Survey

The electability ratings of Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo as president still tops the list at 31.8 percent, according ...

Seamen association urges govt to stop placing seamen on taiwanese ships - (d)

The Association of Indonesian Seamen (KPI) has urged the government to temporarily halt the employment of sailors on ...

Mt Kelud eruption effects tourist visits, minister

Tourism and Creative Economic Minister, Mari Elka Pangestu, admitted that the Mount Kelud eruption will affect tourist ...

Disaster mitigation agency carries out coordination to tackle haze problem

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has carried out coordination work with several government agencies and ...

Deputy minister checks readiness of airport train project in Padang

Deputy Minister of Transportation Bambang Susantono evaluated the progress of the Railbus project, which will connect ...

Garuda Indonesia Ends 2013 with an Operating Revenue of USD 3.72 Billion

PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. ("Garuda") (IDX:GIAA) ended 2013 by booking an Operating Revenue of USD 3,72 ...

Govt to issue project-based sharia bonds worth Rp1.57 tln

The Indonesian government will issue project-based Shariah-compliant bonds (Sukuk), worth Rp1.57 trillion, to build ...

Mount Sinabung eruption claims 15 casualties

Mount Sinabung eruptions casualties due to volcanic ashes that spread in Sukameriah Village of Karo District, N ...

14 villagers killed by molten debris spewed by Mt. Sinabung

At least 14 villagers were killed on Saturday by volcanic debris spewed by Mount Sinabung in Karo District, North ...

Militer Filipina perpanjang operasi hadapi Moro

Militer Filipina mengumumkan, memperpanjang operasi terhadap kelompok gerilyawan Pejuang Pembebasan Islam Bangsa Moro ...

Indonesia rubber price down, calling for export retention

The export price of Indonesias rubber, SIR20, continued to fall to as low as US$1.886 per kilogram at the Singapore ...

Garuda airlines to open new route Makassar-Medan-Jeddah

Garuda Indonesia Airlines (GIA) will open a new flight route from Makassar (South Sulawesi) to Medan (North Sumatera) ...

President formulates comprehensive handling of sinabung eruption

The government will soon formulate a comprehensive handling of Mount Sinabung eruption for the people who live in the ...