#medical care

Collection of medical care news, found 179 news.

Ministers welcome Hajj returnees at Soekarno Hatta Airport

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy and Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi ...

Returning Hajj pilgrims to receive health monitoring card: official

Indonesian Hajj pilgrims will receive a health monitoring card to help them monitor their personal health up to 21 days ...

Collaboration successfully reduces deaths among Hajj pilgrims: govt

Outstanding work and collaboration between the Hajj team and health workers successfully lowered the number of deaths ...

91,106 Hajj pilgrims have departed for Saudi Arabia: Authority

As many as 91,106 Indonesian Hajj pilgrims have departed for Saudi Arabia to perform their Hajj as of Saturday (July 2) ...

Guidance important to prevent childhood bullying: ministry

The Religious Affairs Ministry has highlighted the importance of guiding children's mental growth, starting from ...

Sacred forests positively impact conservation efforts: BRIN

The designation of sacred forests by local communities is a good example of local wisdom practice that has positive ...

NTHU Post-Baccalaureate Program in Medicine holds opening ceremony

On March 30, NTHU held the opening ceremony for the Post-baccalaureate Program in Medicine, during which NTHU ...

Jakarta authority must act promptly on mysterious hepatitis emergence

Deputy Chair of Jakarta Regional Representative Council's (DPRD's) Commission E Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo ...

Five injured in fireworks explosion in Kediri District

A fireworks explosion in Blaru Village, Badas Sub-district, Kediri District, East Java, caused injuries to five ...

Booster vaccines distributed at Eid exodus departure cities: Minister

Booster vaccines were distributed and administered in every city designated as the starting point for the Eid exodus, ...

Armed Papuan separatist terrorists again assault workers in Papua

Six days after armed Papuan separatist terrorists brutally killed eight workers in Beoga Sub-district, Puncak District, ...

Comorbidity factor, vaccinations determine pandemic end: Expert

The comorbidity factor and vaccination rates are the key factors in ending the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, public ...

COVID-19: Gov't strives to detect patients with comorbidities early

The Health Ministry is strengthening data integration with state-owned Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS ...

Self-isolation suffices for most COVID-19 patients in Bogor: Mayor

Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto claimed that out of the city's 2,061 COVID-19 positive patients, some 1,648 ...

Self-isolation sufficient for asymptomatic COVID patients: Sadikin

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has said that self-isolation should suffice for people who have been diagnosed with ...