#merak port in banten

Collection of merak port in banten news, found 63 news.

Thousands pour into Bakauheni Port

On Monday, thousands of Muslims on Sumatra Island made their way to Bakauheni Port in Lampung to travel back to Java ...

Eid al Fitr holiday travelers start packing ferry ports

It is only five days until Indonesian Muslims observe the 2013 Eid al-Fitr festival to end the month-long Ramadan ...

Travelers expect free service to Sumatra

Holiday travelers to Sumatra are expecting a free travel service to the island. Some of them met at Kalideres bus ...

A main port packed by holiday travelers

Large groups of 2013 Eid al-Fitr holiday travelers from Java Island have begun arriving at Bakauheni port in South ...

Police freed school girl from kidnapper

The Jakarta Police freed a 16 years old girl of Senior High School (SMA) hailing from Lampung province, who was ...

Eight killed in ferry boat accident

Eight people were killed after the ferry boat in which they were traveling sank in Sunda Strait early Wednesday, ...

Transportation firm operates 26 ships to serve Merak-Bakauheni ports

Inland Waterway Transportation Service PT ASDP said it was operating 26 ferry ships to overcome traffic jams at the ...

Holiday travelers still packing ferry ports

It is only one day again for Muslims to observe Idul Fitri or Lebaran holiday festivity but thousands of home-bound ...

Bakauheni still packed with holiday travelers

Bakauheni ferry port in Lampung on Monday was still packed with incoming home-bound Lebaran holiday travelers from ...

Tens faint while lining up for Merak ferry tickets

Tens of travelers fainted after they had been in their cars for hours in a queue to buy ferry tickets at Merak port in ...

VP Boediono inspects services for homebound travelers at Merak port

Vice President Boediono here on Wednesday inspected services and facilities given to home-bound travelers at Merak ...

Govt ready to face Idul Fitri exodus

The government has prepared different transportation means, services and security measures to facilitate the flow of ...

Idul Fitri travelers to peak four days before D-Day

The flows of Idul Fitri travelers at Merak port of Banten are expected to peak four days before the D-Day on August ...

PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry operates 25 roros to overcome queueing

PT Indonesia Ferry has put 25 roll-on-roll off boats into service to overcome a long line of trucks waiting to be ...

News Focus: Flow of goods problem at Merak port remains

Merak port in the western tip of Java and Bakauheni harbor in the eastern point of Sumatra, two ports so far serving ...