#military personnel

Collection of military personnel news, found 619 news.

Three NATO troops killed in Afghanistan: ISAF

Three soldiers from the international military force in Afghanistan were killed in the country`s east on Friday, the ...

TNI chief sends off KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda to Lebanon

National Defense Forces (TNI) Commander Admiral Agus Suhartono on Tuesday saw off the Navy`s warship KRI Sultan ...

Indonesian milly familiarizes UN peace missioniIn Lebanon

Indonesian military (TNI) is familiarizing the tasks of the UN peace mission in Lebanon under UN Security Council ...

Indonesian Observers "a Must" For Disputed Area Near Preah Vihear Temple: Cambodia

Cambodian Ministry of Defense on Saturday evening issued a statement rejecting a Thai media report that the Indonesian ...

US expands role in Mexico`s drug war

The United States is sending new CIA operatives and retired military personnel to Mexico and may deploy private ...

ILO holds vlidation workshop on social security in Indonesia

The International Labor Organization (ILO) organized a validation workshop on social security in Indonesia here on ...

Police, military hunting down Papua separatists

Police and the military are to hold a joint operation to comb areas suspected to be the hideouts of the unidentfied ...

Eight believed died in N Sulawesi choper crash

A PK-FUG helicopter carrying eight people was believed to have crashed at Mount Dua Saudara in North Sulawesi province ...

Police ready to secure demonstration In Papua

National Police Chief Gen. Timur Pradopo said police were ready to maintain security and guard a planned rally in ...

Papuan teenager mauled by crocodile found decapitated

A crocodile mauled a Papuan teenager while fishing with two friends at Salafem River, North Misol Raja Ampat, last ...

People forced to wait longer for social security

Indonesian people - those in the low-income bracket in particular, have to exercise a still undetermined additional ...

House speaker apologizes for delay in passing social security bill

The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) Speaker has apologized for failure to pass a Bill on Social Security ...

RI welcomes int`l court`s decision on Thai-Cambodian conflict

Indonesia welcomes the decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that obliges Cambodia and Thailand to pull ...

Mt Lokon erupts twice on Monday

The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reported that Mount Lokon in North Sulawesi erupted twice on Monday, ...

Mt Lokon Erupts Again on Sunday

Mount Lokon again erupted and spewed hot ash into the air 3,000 meters high on Sunday at 10.42 am local time. ...