#military personnel

Collection of military personnel news, found 619 news.

18 killed as Yemen army battles Qaeda

Clashes between the army and Al-Qaeda militants on the outskirts of the Islamist stronghold of Jaar in southern Yemen ...

Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih buried at special location

The mortal remains of former Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih is buried in a special location, Heroes ...

Two more secret service agents resign; Obama blames "knuckleheads"

Two more U.S. Secret Service agents are resigning over a Colombia prostitution scandal, the agency said on ...

Obama wants "rigorous" secret service investigation

US President Barack Obama said he expected a "rigorous" investigation into a sex scandal involving Secret Service ...

US under pressure to let Cuba join Americas summit

The United States was under growing pressure here Sunday to let Cuba attend future regional summits as Latin American ...

Zero tolerance against terror in Papua

Indonesia was shocked following a fatal shooting that killed a reporter and injured four passengers aboard a Twin ...

Polri deploys police officers in Puncak Jaya after airplane shooting

The National Police (Polri) has deployed officers in Puncak Jaya, particularly in southern PT Freeport area, Papua ...

100,000 inexpensive houses to be built in 50 Indonesian cities

The state-owned enterprise for housing, Perum Perumnas, will build 100 thousand inexpensive houses in 50 Indonesia ...

Jakarta police on standby for anti-fuel hike rallies

The Jakarta Police Department, Polda Metro Jaya, said that they are on standby for the anticipated anti-fuel price ...

Thousands rally to merdeka palace protesting fuel price hike

Thousands of protesters, particularly sympathizers of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), marched from ...

President asks national police to anticipate demonstration against fuel price hike

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has instructed all police personnel to anticipate activists` plan to conduct rally ...

UN to add more women to its peacekeeping missions

Visiting UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has committed himself to encouraging the participation of women in UN ...

Retired military personnel must stay away from practical politics

Retired military personnel are urged to remain neutral and avoid getting involved in practical politics, political ...

US warns against military action toward Iran

The White House warned Wednesday that any military action against Iran would create "greater instability" that could ...

Flood inundates hundreds of homes in Garut

Hundreds of homes in two areas of Haurpanggung village in Tarogong Kidul subdistrict, Garut district, West Java ...