#minister of marine affairs and fisheries

Collection of minister of marine affairs and fisheries news, found 156 news.

Two more high-ranking government officials contract COVID-19

Following the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister contracting COVID-19 and a director general succumbing to the ...

A top official of Maritime Affairs Ministry succumbs to COVID-19

Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry's Director General for Marine Spatial Management Affairs, Aryo Hanggono, died ...

Hospital clusters contributing most COVID-19 cases: task force

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force has stated that hospitals have emerged as the largest contributors of confirmed ...

KKP releases nearly 20,000 baby lobsters in Pariaman

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), through its Coast and Sea Resources Management Office in Padang, ...

Ministry identifies three areas susceptible to illegal fishing

The Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has identified three areas -- the waters of North Natuna Sea, Malacca ...

Minister encourages utilizing android technology for fishery services

The Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Edhy Prabowo, encouraged the strengthening of fishery services ...

Minister Edhy Prabowo upbeat about rise in fishery production

Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Edhy Prabowo shared optimism that implementation of regulations favorable to the ...

Ministry hopes Belgium will back duty-free fishery exports

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia has pinned its hopes on Belgium supporting the ...

Africa warned against allowing fishing in their waters

African countries should not issue fishing permits to foreign vessels in their territory because it could potentially ...

Govt revitalizes Sumber Jaya fishermen village as a model village

The revitalization of the Sumber Jaya fishing village in Bengkulu would be used as a model for the development of ...

Indonesia calls for stronger regional cooperation to combat IUU fishing

Indonesia has called for stronger regional cooperation to combat illegal, unregistered and undocumented (IUU) fishing ...

Moeldoko highlights Jokowi-Kalla government`s four-year achievements

Moeldoko, the chief of presidential staff, elaborated on the four-year government work under the leadership of ...

OOC to strengthen Indonesia`s attempt to fight illegal fishing

Indonesia`s attempt to encourage maritime cooperation among nations by holding the 2018 Our Ocean Conference (OOC) in ...

Indonesia's future depends on sustainable sea management: minister

Indonesia's future depends on how the sea and its resources can be managed in a sustainable ...

Fisheries minister passionate about education

Marine and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti is truly passionate about education in her struggle to obtain an ...