
Collection of missile news, found 379 news.

Korean envoy lauds Indonesia for creating peace in Korean Peninsula

South Korea Ambassador to Indonesia Kim Chang-beom has praised Indonesia for its role in the process of creating peace ...

EU, UN urge end of tensions around Gaza strip

The European Union and the United Nations on Monday urged the immediate end of rising tensions surrounding the Gaza ...

Indonesians urged to pray for Indonesian hospital in Gaza

The Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) has called on the entire people of Indonesia to pray for the safety of ...

Indonesian, Indian defense ministers discuss cooperation in defense industry

Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu held a bilateral meeting with his Indian counterpart, Nirmala ...

Indonesian defense minister receives honorary visit of Indian counterpart

Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu received an honorary visit from his Indian counterpart Smt Nirmala ...

news focus - efforts to strengthen defense in eastern indonesia by otniel tamindael

Formerly known as Pitu airport, Leo Wattimena is a private airport located on the southern coast of Morotai Island ...

Indonesia to build integrated military base in Morotai, North Maluku

The Leo Wattimena Air Force base on the island of Morotai, North Maluku, would be strengthened as an integrated ...

Indonesian Navy ready to commission PT PAL-assembled submarine

The Indonesian Navy stated that it would be ready to commission its new submarine manufactured by state-owned ...

Israel to buy advanced rockets from state arms firm

Israel`s Defense Ministry announced on Monday that it has signed a deal to develop and buy advanced precision rockets ...

Syria condemns Western threats over chemical weapons allegations

The Syrian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday condemned the tripartite statement by the United States, Britain, and France, ...

New trump sanctions on Iran take effect despite pleas from allies

U.S. President Donald Trump pledged on Monday that firms doing business with Tehran would be barred from the ...

Trump says he is willing to talk to Iranian leader without preconditions

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday he would be willing to meet Iran`s leader without preconditions to discuss ...

Israel strikes Syrian site in central region

Israel struck a Syrian position in the Mesyaf area in central Syria Sunday, state news agency SANA reported. The ...

Intercepted missiles in Riyadh rattle Indonesian Embassy`s glass building

Four ballistic missiles fired at Saudi Arabia`s capital Riyadh, June 24, at about 8:40 p.m. local time, exploded ...

Indonesia regrets US decision to withdraw from Iran nuclear deal

The Government of Indonesia regretted the decision of the United States to withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan ...