
Collection of mother news, found 1.078 news.

Five orangutans released into Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya National Park

Five orangutans were released into the Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park after undergoing rehabilitation in Ketapang, ...

News Feature

Valentine's Day -- get love, get promos

The month of love has arrived with February 14, the most special moment for people who celebrate romantic love, ...

Sumatran tigers attack several cows in Riau: BKSDA

The Riau Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) deployed a team to handle the recent attacks of wild Sumatran ...

News Feature

Savoring the exotic fruits of Kalimantan

- is known for its strong odor that some people find quite overpowering and unpleasant and may linger for hours, ...

Ferring’s Propess® is the first pharmacological treatment for cervical ripening to be approved in Japan for over 20 years

- Ferring Pharmaceuticals today announced that Propess® (dinoprostone) has been approved by the Minister of Health, ...

Sumatran tiger trapped in South Sumatra's Muara Enim District

A Sumatran tiger (Pantera Tigris Sumatrae) got ensnared in a trap recently installed by the South Sumatra Natural ...

BKSDA reports five deaths in Sumatran tiger-human conflicts in 2019

The South Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) confirmed that five people died while 10 others ...

Disappearing in forest for six days, 67-year-old Ipah found alive

A 67-year-old resident of Pisitan Hamlet in Campakamulya Village, Cianjur District, West Java, has been found alive ...

Lack of evidence stalls human rights violations settlement

Lack of evidence and the absence of an ad hoc human rights tribunal have stalled efforts to settle past gross human ...

Two Malaysian teens deported over violation of immigration regulations

The Indonesian immigration authority in Nunukan District, North Kalimantan Province, deported two Malaysian teenagers ...

Senior actress Widyawati bestowed award at Asia Pacific Film Festival

Indonesian senior actress Widyawati won the award of Best Supporting Actress at the 59th Asia Pacific Film Festival ...

East Java toll road crash kills mother, kids

A Honda Civic van heading to Kejapanan, Pasuruan District, East Java, crashed into a truck on Pandaan toll road on ...

BKSDA installs six other camera traps to avert human-tiger conflict

South Sumatra's Natural Resources Conservation Office (BKSDA) installed six more camera and box traps to find ...

199 children of Indonesia-China intermarriages own dual nationality

The Embassy of Indonesia in Beijing, China, has recorded 199 children born in intermarriages between Indonesians and ...

South Sumatra welcomes holy Quran translated in Palembang language

The South Sumatra provincial administration welcomed the availability of the holy Quran translated in Palembang ...