
Collection of mother news, found 1.078 news.

MUI offers condolences to President over mother's demise

The Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) offered its condolences to President Joko Widodo over the death of his mother, ...

President asks ministers to focus on handling COVID-19

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has appealed to ministers to pray for his deceased mother and continue to focus on ...

President Jokowi arrives in Solo to pay tribute to mother

Indonesian President Joko Widodo landed in Solo, Central Java Province, at 5:52 p.m. local time on Wednesday to pay ...

Jokowi leaves for Solo upon receiving news of mother's demise

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) flew to his hometown in Solo immediately after receiving news his mother Sujiatmi ...

President Jokowi's mother passes away

Sujiatmi Notomiharjo, the mother of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), breathed her last at around 4:45 p.m. local time in ...

ANTARA's Choice

From struggle, love, to humor: rich themes of Indonesian poems

Aku by Chairil Anwar is one of the Indonesian-language poems that are widely known across generations. Some ...

ANTARA's Choice

Raw emotions, blunt words fill the world of modern poetry

It is fair to say that modern poetry can be rather polarizing and easily become a center of debate among poetry ...

News Feature

Life in the time of coronavirus

From Milan, Italy, to New York, the US, and Manila, Filipina, people avoid streets, as countries have closed down ...

Weekend Stories

When the ghost is in our mind

Watching scary movies arouses their own sensations and they can bring about mixed feelings such as surprise, stress, ...

Weekend Stories

Valuable life lessons gleaned from animated movies

In the modern era, animation has metamorphosed owing to the emergence of computers that can create computer-generated ...

"Mariposa", a movie about the simplicity of teenage love

"Love is simple, but we sometimes make it so complicated". That is a quote from "Mariposa", a movie ...

Dutch King, Queen meet Sultan Hamengku Buwono X in Yogyakarta

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima Zorreguieta Cerruti of the Netherlands met with Sultan Hamengku Buwono X of the ...

Psychological stress still plaguing two COVID-19 patients: govt

Indonesia's first two coronavirus patients still tested positive for coronavirus, as their immune system had been ...

Weekend Stories

Struggle of classic authoresses writing under pseudonyms

"Any woman born with a great gift in the sixteenth century would certainly have gone crazed, shot herself or ended ...

Weekend Stories

Impact of female fictional characters as role models

The presence of role models is deemed an important aspect to ensure young women and girls feel empowered to pursue the ...